Its too hard, its basically impossible.
I cant use the no knight strat and its too hard any other way.
Can anyone give me some tips or help me?
I play on the Xbox One if youre willing to help.
Edit 1: For all you kids telling me to git gud or calling me a skrub please stop it really hurts my feelings
Edit 2: 90% of you kids saying youre better than me are filthy liars
Edit 3: Seems like titans are a crutch for this part can anyone confirm?
Its not that hard. Have 2 titans on top & when they are done with ogres get them paying attention to the knights before they drop down. My team, i was one of those titans, we would leave the ogres at minimal health for the plate guy to finish off (normally their job after all!) and then have time to look for any knights that hadnt been killed, more often than not the 4th plate of course but one can easily be a cheeky sod & go where he isnt expected lol! Also, those titans should have had time to start on the hallowed knight with the brand before oryx even slams. Good luck!