Its too hard, its basically impossible.
I cant use the no knight strat and its too hard any other way.
Can anyone give me some tips or help me?
I play on the Xbox One if youre willing to help.
Edit 1: For all you kids telling me to git gud or calling me a skrub please stop it really hurts my feelings
Edit 2: 90% of you kids saying youre better than me are filthy liars
Edit 3: Seems like titans are a crutch for this part can anyone confirm?
People assigned to platforms must be assigned to knights spawning across from the platform they are standing on.. Highest level guy up top keeping Ogres in the corners .. 2nd step : Relic runner and fireteam bottom center wait it out make orbs with taken thrall .Shade X4 . Assigned platforms people has the blights next to there platforms.