Destiny's worlds are beautiful. Nobody in their sane mind could deny it.
I can't wait to see New Chicago, European Dead Zone, and Europa!
I'm saying man. Sometimes I just whip out my sparrow and ride around on mars and earth.[spoiler]Those 2 have the best trails IMO [/spoiler]
Has this been announced somewhere that I missed?! Sounds amazing
officially? no.. just leaked images and stories
Damn man I know right! Europa looks amazing and we've only seen, what a few images? European dead zone is eerily peaceful man. Have you heard one of them robots at the tower mention "New York crater" maybe it was Rahool...
I didnt but would love to see NY, London, Cairo, and Tokyo some day in Destiny. Heck i wouldn't mind to see more of Phobos
Hate to tell ya, but Phobos is literally just a metallic rock. The only interesting things you might see are more Cabal Warbases to trash and a Giant Mars in the Skybox as it rotates. Gotta admit, the rotating sky is trippy to watch