So I finally picked up Black Ops 3 after all this time and then things got really weird. Call of Duty now has supers, and Bungie not only directly copied their super idea, but also copy pasted some of the supers! One guy does a titan slam, another guy shoots an uber revolver, another uses electricity to kill, another character uses a bow called the SPARROW (biggest giveaway)!
I can't be the only one who noticed this? How do you feel about Destiny ripping off Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? And how? I bet with both teams working with Activision somebody peeked in a folder they shouldn't have and stole somebody's hard work...
Who necro'd this post. Needs to be shut down lol Op will not be feed haha.
Too bad they didn't rip off the better connections.
Edited by Kittysoftpaws82: 1/25/2016 2:19:15 PMHmmmmmmm Destiny came out way before CoD and I think Destiny was in the works for years before it came out. Bye troll.
And don't forget the self-rez
Nice bait, you have been playing destiny before black ops 3 came out
I'm pretty sure you're on the spectrum because destiny came out 13 months before blops3
Black ops 3 ripped off destiny, destiny came out first
The gravity spikes are op
wtf bungie I want my money Bak
[i]Searches for Satire Tag[/i] [i]Doesn't find #Satire or #Bait[/i] Oh no... Is he for real?
Edited by Nassy: 1/25/2016 12:59:46 AMFunny seing as how destiny came out before BO3. [spoiler]halo 5 also ripped off destiny with the Spartan charge and the Spartan ground pound[/spoiler]
Edited by ItsJackAttack: 1/19/2016 2:52:29 PMMuted. You're unbelievable. What's funny is that you have Moments of Triumph, so you've been playing this game before Black Ops 3 came out. Brilliant. EDIT: Unmuted because I want to see you try and respond to this.
10/10 would bait again
So many desticles hahahahahhahahahahha
Due to them both being an Activision game I think it was Activision giving black ops 3 destiny's stuff due to black ops coming out after destiny.
90+ hostages hold by hamas for 400+ days - old
I said it first! Almost all the supers in destiny are like bo3 But bo3 copied from destiny -
Are uh are you new at the whole using your brain part
I also noticed this, pretty lame if you ask me.
Yeah there's one problem there buddy destiny was in being made after halo 3. They had to change the story. the fact that destiny been out nearly a year before black ops shows you they copied bungie
Seriously? It's like if someone said The Legend of Zelda ripped off of Minecraft. -Specialist abilities are a rip of supers -Black market dude is a rip of Xur -Microtransaction time-gated same as Destiny It's obvious that Treyarch fed off of Bungie's mistakes and made a game off of it. Activision wants its cash cow to survive, they don't give two f*cks about Destiny
Edited by Dagon: 1/24/2016 6:36:00 AMUmm, wasn't destiny released about a year BEFORE CoD black ops 3, and also some of destiny's super ideas aren't that original. e.g Ward of dawn/Titan bubble | any mmo Fist of havoc | hulk smash Stormtrance | Star Wars Golden gun | literally a high damage gun Edit: This is actually a huge stinking pile of bait
RE: Retards Supers such as self rez and fist of havok have been around a lot longer then Destiny.
[b][i]*hardest facepalm ever*[/i][/b]
You've got that backwards...