So I finally picked up Black Ops 3 after all this time and then things got really weird. Call of Duty now has supers, and Bungie not only directly copied their super idea, but also copy pasted some of the supers! One guy does a titan slam, another guy shoots an uber revolver, another uses electricity to kill, another character uses a bow called the SPARROW (biggest giveaway)!
I can't be the only one who noticed this? How do you feel about Destiny ripping off Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? And how? I bet with both teams working with Activision somebody peeked in a folder they shouldn't have and stole somebody's hard work...
Someone forgot #satire
Can't believe people are using the argument that Destiny came out first. Fact of the matter is, they are both under Activision and will borrow from one another going forward. Both games utilize the concept of a Super so that each player can feel the rush of being a badass in multiplayer. Just another mechanism to keep less talented players from being alienated and leaving the game (business).
I would say bad b8, but you got too many replies. Gr8 b8 m8
I think brother vance is right.
Destiny came out first
So doth stoopid run in ure famlry? Destiny was out befo black ops free.
I REALLY hope this is bait Destiny came out before Bo3
Lololol the bait is so real right now
Destiny can't copy bo3 if destiny came out first...
Edited by RedBlitZ21: 1/11/2016 1:21:03 AMUhh didn't destiny come out first? How is possible they ripped off cod if anything cod ripped off destiny, but what I would I know I'm just a guy that plays the game.
Lololol *cough* scrub.
Troll don't take the bait. If you going to do that you should make sure I can't see your glimore is over 4400.
It's the other way around, dude.
I agree, but tempest isn't anything like storm caller
Terrible bait
Edited by The Devourer: 1/11/2016 12:29:59 AMYou do realize that destiny happened well before bo3. If anything its the other way around pal
I hope this is satire or whatever, if not this giy needs to be sent to a tiny island
I smell troll poop, you can't be serious.... This all started with activision copying Everything from Titian Fall . Bungie is partners with theses guys so they are sharing ideas to keep COD alive and if you look at a lot of your auto rifle from the arms guy they are all COD guns
Is this satire?
And David Bowie ripped off vanilla ice.
Who would rip off that sht game? The objective of that game is to keep resetting your rank. Lol they had to go and outdo Destiny in repetitive mind garbage. Rip COD
Bro! You need to toss this one and get a new one. B8 is bad!
Ok first of all black ops 3 ripped of destiny apparently you haven't played destiny from about the start because bo3 can out a little while after destiny
Did you drop acid before you made this post?
Jimmies: [ ] Not Rustled [x] Rustled