So I finally picked up Black Ops 3 after all this time and then things got really weird. Call of Duty now has supers, and Bungie not only directly copied their super idea, but also copy pasted some of the supers! One guy does a titan slam, another guy shoots an uber revolver, another uses electricity to kill, another character uses a bow called the SPARROW (biggest giveaway)!
I can't be the only one who noticed this? How do you feel about Destiny ripping off Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? And how? I bet with both teams working with Activision somebody peeked in a folder they shouldn't have and stole somebody's hard work...
Destiny was first... I hope this is satire
You are dyslexic
Unbelievable how many idiots fell for this one. I guess that goes to show you the average IQ of a Desticle.
Yep I totally agree. I remeber picking up Black ops 3 when it came out in 2014. Then I bought destiny a few months ago and was like wtf what a ripoff of COD.
Bungievision trickery strikes again. Just yet another reason to nerf thorn.
You can't really be that stupid, can you? Oh God, please don't breed...
Blops3 came out a year and a half after destiny...
Excuse me, what is this Destiny game you are talking about? I am new to the forums here and all people keep talking about this. Could you enlighten me please? Thanks!
Gr8 b8, 8/8
Come on guys. The kid just figured out what those hairs were, growing down there. These are probably his first 2 games.
Dude I said that I was using the night stalker the same day when I got on bow ground slam fist of havoc revolver golden gun!!!!!!!
Lol anyone who downvotes this doesn't have a sense of humor.
This guys needs to have a conversation with Red Formal. Dumbass
1.Destiny was released in Fall 20[b]14[/b] 2.BO3 was released in Fall 20[b]15[/b] 3.Activision marketed destiny and made BO3 So yes, Op is a fgt
Your troll post broke down when you started to discibe the BO3 supers with the Destiny super names. Stoopid troll obviously didn't pass troll school 101. Go back to troll scholl you stoopid bad troll.
Op is fgt confirmed
Such b8. Such visible hook.
Tbh Destiny copied legend of zelda :^/
Someone else that forgot to put the #Satire tag on
Bungie y u do dis.
Call of duty copied golden eye, there are guns and multiple playable characters and you kill each other. How could a company just blatantly rip off somebody like that and get away with it?
Where's your satire tag noob
Your joking right?? Destiny came out way before black ops 3 it is black ops that is copying destiny
Edited by lynk: 1/9/2016 8:43:40 AMI wanna point out that Destiny was made years before BO3, so if anything, BO3 stole from Destiny. But, since both belong to Activision, it is not stealing. Rather using the same idea for 2 very different games #TitanMasterRace
This isn't real
Are you dumb? Destiny came out before black ops 3 and black ops 3 has copied off destiny.