So I finally picked up Black Ops 3 after all this time and then things got really weird. Call of Duty now has supers, and Bungie not only directly copied their super idea, but also copy pasted some of the supers! One guy does a titan slam, another guy shoots an uber revolver, another uses electricity to kill, another character uses a bow called the SPARROW (biggest giveaway)!
I can't be the only one who noticed this? How do you feel about Destiny ripping off Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? And how? I bet with both teams working with Activision somebody peeked in a folder they shouldn't have and stole somebody's hard work...
Lmao your so smart"
Can't tell if bait or retard
Wow this bait is so old it reeks of shit.
dyslexic much ?
Gr8 B8 M8
Really?! You should have said CoD 3 ripped off Destiny.
You forgot #satire
@ people that don't realise the satire
Satire? If not then you may want to do some research on release dates.....
They are activision, they see marketing its a good idea for cheap abilities
U are aware that destiny was made before bo3 right?
They all copied CS.
Destiny was shit way before Black Ops 3 was shit.
Destiny copied E.T. From Atari. It has alien and humans and shitty subpar graphics.
I think OP's mommy didn't hug him enough and daddy hugged him too much.
Wait..what? XD
People should be sued for posts like this. Sued, banned, reset and forbidden to ever touch consoles. Only fair right? Will show that stupidity is not needed. If there was a Satire hash tag I wouldn't care. But the fact that there is not one, I can only wish and hope that me reporting and muting this post and profiler will work out.
That bait is real. [spoiler]destiny was made before Blops3 as even in development.[/spoiler]
This post shows you are actually braindead. Your grimoire and characters show that you aren't. So... Why do you want people to think you are too stupid to even argue with and attract so much negative attention?
You must be tired. Y'know. From trying too hard.
The bait hurts my eyes I can't explain why though.
this could have been okay bait if you didn't get Destiny and bo3 reversed
Offtopic. Move this now, you are in violation. You have been warned.
I'm taking over this post...what's your favorite type of candy?