So I finally picked up Black Ops 3 after all this time and then things got really weird. Call of Duty now has supers, and Bungie not only directly copied their super idea, but also copy pasted some of the supers! One guy does a titan slam, another guy shoots an uber revolver, another uses electricity to kill, another character uses a bow called the SPARROW (biggest giveaway)!
I can't be the only one who noticed this? How do you feel about Destiny ripping off Call of Duty: Black Ops 3? And how? I bet with both teams working with Activision somebody peeked in a folder they shouldn't have and stole somebody's hard work...
Yes destiny ripped off a game that wasn't even out yet. Because -blam!- logic
And self res!!
Edited by boabby wan: 1/7/2016 11:19:07 AMFunny that considering destiny was out a year before. Bungie and their damned crystal ball. Btw cod ripped the idea off bungie in the first place. I'm pretty sure they implemented something similar to supers in halo
Xbox and play station ripped off Sega. The used disks as well.
.....don't do drugs m'kay drugs are bad
This bait is so bad, it killed an entire ecosystem of fish.
Welcome to the Destiny community, Folks! Where the attempts at b8ing are so bad thats its hard to tell if they are really trolling or are honestly just that stupid and/.or desperate for attention!
Just stop with this bait crap. Grow up damn it
I dearly hope you forgot the satire tag my friend.
This better be bait because destiny came out a whole year before blops 3.
Bad b8 m8 I'll r8 2/8.
Loooooooool you dumb
Probably a troll but I'll say it just in case you really are that oblivious. Black Ops 3 ripped off:- - Wall Running from Titanfall - Supers from Destiny (Golden Gun being the main stolen concept) - The people who purchased it
Edited by Piggyback: 1/7/2016 10:41:23 AMThe fact that people think this thread is genuine or are even conflicted just goes to show how moronic the Destiny community is.
... I'm pretty sure this is satire but I'll humor this degenerate [spoiler]1. Destiny came out way before BO3 2. The ground slam used by Titans and the Raid specialist are very generic abilities that have been used in the past 3. This is like saying that destiny ripped off skyrim because they both have swords [/spoiler] I have more but I'm too lazy to type them so...
Not sure if trolling or serious -_-
I find your lack of faith disturbing
Lol bo3 came out 1 year later.
Edited by A Titan: 1/7/2016 10:12:03 AMDestiny came out 2014 and started showing supers in 2013 way before BO3 trailer even showed up, and you're obviously a y2 noob
I cannot believe what I just read.
The retard is strong with this one.
Be cause destiny didnt have supers from day one they must have relased supers after blops 3
Yes. Destiny came out first but absolutely.
Pretty sure Destiny was out first and in development longer
Im pretty sure you mean the other way around