You'll get rewarded for preci[i]s[/i]ion :D
Okay, I w[i]a[/i]nt it to make a return, I just really admire the looks of it and its characteris[i]t[/i]ics. But, I thought bungie [i]i[/i]s going to b[i]r[/i]ing it back at its current state. Like, sure I can us[i]e[/i] it for PvP (the year 1 version, which I do use time to time) but I want to use it in the more higher tier PvE activities. Okay, the lowest should be 5/6.
[spoiler]the crowd is getting headed *walks off stage*[/spoiler]
You'd be making it much less viable in pve. Plz, no more nerfs