First off a big Yee Haw and a big F you to the liberal asshat wimps ....
Second thing open carry went into effect January 1st 2016, I've been toting around my Kimber for Afew days and I'm loving it.
Any other Texans out there enjoying all this freedom? Is Texas the most Murican state in the USA?
Edit: I left my gun in the car to go into the bank, and a something amazing happened it didn't shoot up a school while it was alone. My guns are very well mannered.
Edit2: Update so today my guns didn't kill anyone again kinda weird? I think it's because I bought them new so I could raise them properly and teach them good Christian values.
Edit3: "Hillary got Schlonged in the 2008 elections" - President Donald Trump
We are trending y'all God bless :D
Edit number 2 was hilarious