Title says it all. Sign your name below. As PlayStation players, we are being screwed on the last where there is the biggest buff. I fronded to get to rank 4 but now I can't get that rank 5 package. Extend iron banner. It would be fair. Btw, if you're on Xbox, please don't start a console war. Sign your name below.
Edit: we're trending!
I wouldn't mind having IB extended under normal circumstances. 1 week every month is okay...ish... but id like maybe every other week, or last for 2 weeks and make 2 more packages(rank 8 and 10 perhaps)? Kinda sucked when it was held 9ff for a but cause.of srl racing. [spoiler]how did you not get to rank 5... seriously takes like 3 or 4 days of just doing the daily bounties..[/spoiler]