Post below your most memorable moment in Destiny! It could be anything from getting a new piece of gear to good no on a 100 kill streak! (that would be awesome)
Edit: Thank you so much for 250 replies! You guardians have shared a lot of funny and crazy moments in Destiny!
Edit: It seems like a lot of memorable moments include first vog completions, trials clutches, and crazy loot drops! Let's hear some more moments guardians!
Edit: Holy crap guys thank you so much for getting this post to 300 replies! (about 50 of those are me replying but who cares) This has been my largest post ever, thank you!
Edit: If you have a clip to go along side your moment please include it! I was thinking I could put them in a spoiler or something so everyone can see it! (Think like a top 10 or something)
Edit: 400 Replies!!!
I think my most memorable was 2 manning Crotas End. Yes, granted House of Wolves just came out. But still was great to get the Flawless Raider achievement at that time. Another great moment was killing Qodron in the Prison of Elders for the first time he was released. That Vex guy was insane...
Getting me gally
Accidentally booted someone trying to promote them to leader
Returning it.
You guys remember the time the nightfall broke
You guys remember the time the nightfall broke
Flawless raid on crota with 4 people 2 weeks after dark below dropped and none of us realised that we had done it.
Doing VOG flawless after 11ish hours of trying
Went flawless within the first hour of trials being available. I didn't know what the lighthouse was until that Sunday
My first raid in Destiny ever, I join a VOG run in progress. I spawn into the Atheon fight, instantly die. 30 seconds later the raid team kills atheon and I get the Vex Mythoclast. People were PISSED!! I was the brand new guy and Noone knew me. Had no clue what I had just recieved. Muted my microphone and proceeded to rejoice. Was great! I still get flack from the guy who initially invited me.
Killing Atheon for the first time.
Soloing crota for the first time at level 34 light. I bought destiny as soon as HoW dropped so it was pretty easy to max light. But yh it was a good feeling.
Way back in the beta teaming up with my fellow level 8 guardians luring the ??? Lvl knight out of his cave so I could kamikaze it with my sparrow off a cliff...good times
Just the other day I was playing my Titan and I ran around a corner and went to slide/super, narrowly missed a hammer to the face and somehow slid under a nova bomb. My Fist of Havoc did not miss either of them.
Getting my first exotic, TLW
Honestly it was the first time me and my friends went flawless in trials of Osiris the very first week it was a thing. We didn't really plan on going flawless, and when we did it felt positively awesome. It just felt awesome opening the chest in the lighthouse with my two best friends in destiny (yeah I know I sound like a dork, but this is honestly my most memorable moment in destiny)
Flawless first week of trials with vex when no one knew what they were doing
3 ghallys in a day
Getting my first Gjallarhorn.
Number 1 I was so clueless I dismantled engrams thinking they were useless.
Vex drop
10th day after destiny launched [spoiler]Gjallarhorn dropped for me [/spoiler]
Getting hawkmoon
The first time I met the Queen and tried playing the game with one hand.
Taking a fireteam of 290 noobs through the kings fall. Without ever having done it myself.