Sunsingers were intended to be the warlock support class, but due to players putting the focus on a few designs that are counter to this intent, Sunsingers are viewed either as being OP (Melee Tanks in PvP) or as crutches (Self-Res in Raids/Nightfalls). My aim is to change these perceptions and expand the potential beyond these limitations. As such, I propose the following changes be made to the sunsinger to help expand their function as a support class. Please note that this is not a post about nerfing Sunsingers, but buffing them.
1) Improve Radiance
I have always felt like Radiance was never really achieving its full potential. It had a decent effect, but its perks make or break it for PvE or PvP. In reality, it goes deeper than that. Measuring by base effect alone, Radiance is underwhelming. In PvP, I fear sunsingers the least of all the classes in the game. In an effort to help move Radiance into a stronger position with its perks, I feel that the Fireborn perk should be innate to the base effect. I also feel the damage reduction provided by radiance should be reduced from 50% to 30% to compensate, putting it on par with Stormtrance.
2) Improve the Song of Flame perk
Many people put forward ideas on how best to fix Song of Flame, either by making it increase the stats of your allies or by providing a huge bonus to Recovery and Defense. One of the more interesting ideas I heard proposed by several people, including a good friend, is that Sunsinger should be able to operate as a sort of “Healer class”. I originally thought this was impossible, but when I started to look at various elements of the game, I realized this isn't as impossible as it seemed. Therefore, I propose the following effect: “Nearby allies regenerate health and take reduced damage.”
With this effect, Allies within the radius of Song of Flame would take 25% Less damage and constantly recover health. This bonus does not apply to the Sunsinger using it. This would synergize well with exotics like Heart of Praxis Fire to increase the duration.
3) Improve the Radiant Skin perk
In my last revision of this suggested rework, I offended a lot of players by having the gaul to say Radiant Skin was “arguably the most useless” of the Radiance Perks. However, a few people did come forward and, rather than acting hostile toward this notion, expressed their views on it in a way that altered my opinion of it. It served a purpose and allowed Sunsingers to really become terrifying in PvP. Without intending to, I had called for the removal and replacement of a premier go-to perk for Melee Sunsingers in PvP and left them with nothing to show for it.
Therefore, I suggest the following: “While radiance is active, damage taken is greatly reduced and melee kills trigger health regeneration”. The end result of this change would boost damage reduction while in Radiance to 55%, making it the same as the current Radiance and Radiant Skin while adding a element that favors aggressive gameplay by giving you more staying power. Please note that this is REGENERATION, not INSTANT HEALING as per the Cauterize effect. You would recover health at your normal pace but the time you have to wait before you begin healing is zero.
4) Remove and replace the Fireborn Perk.
With the Fireborn perk innate to Radiance, there is now room for a new perk. I wanted to create a perk that suited aggressive play for both PvE and PvP as Radiant Skin is more of a PvP perk. Since Radiant Skin is about being tanky and hard to kill, I thought it would be fun to explore an option that run counter to that approach. To that end, I have created the following perk.
Rise from the Ashes: Dying while Radiance is active triggers an explosion, dealing heavy solar damage to nearby enemies. If an enemy is killed with the explosion, you are instantly revived.
This rewards risky behavior and turns your radiance into what is essentially a one-time rocket explosion. If you do not kill an enemy with the explosion, you are not revived. It is important to note that you are not revived with Radiance active.
6) Improve the Solar Wind Perk
Of the many things that people pointed out in my previous revision, this one was also something that was brought up a lot. When compared to a perk like Flame Shield, there really isn’t any use for taking this. I understand this used to be a funny perk for people to enjoy as they pushed their fellow guardians off cliffs and other high places. So, I set out to try and find a way to make something of this otherwise severely underwhelming perk.
Many ideas failed pretty bad, but I seem to have gotten a lot of support in favor of a true support element with Solar Wind. Therefore, I suggest that a blinding and suppression effect, similar to the Suppression Grenade, be added to Solar Wind and that the name be changed to Corona. The inspiration for this change came from the effects of Solar Flares, which have been known to disrupt power grids and damage satellites. I believed the same principle could be allied to Scorch to great effect as the other support classes (Nightstalker and Defender) have some form of suppression. This would make Corona a solid support choice in PvE and PvP while also synergizing with exotics like Claws of Ahamkara.
7) Improve Radiant Will perk.
Radiant Will gives 3 extra seconds of Radiance, which currently serves little to no purpose. In fact, the Heart of Praxis Fire Exotic Chest armor grants a similar effect at the same duration, effectively allowing you to double-dip with this perk and it is still underwhelming as 6 seconds of extra Radiance effectively gives you about 2-to-3 extra grenades to throw out. However, like Sunburst, there is no reason to take this over Viking Funeral.
Using some other existing elements in the game, I feel the solution to this would be simple: make it so downed allies who are affected by Song of Flame can be revived in addition to adding 3 seconds to the duration of Radiance. This would expand Song of Flame to allow long-range revives and has the potential to be easily on par with the other Tier 1 Perks due to the revised effect. The revive speed would be the same as you already have, which would drastically expand the potential of exotics like Light Beyond Nemesis and Crest of Alpha Lupi which increases the speed at which you revive others and are revived yourself. This would naturally be limited by revive timers such as the ones imposed by dying during raids and nightfalls. However, since this perk currently resides in the 1st slot of the Tier 1 Perk list, it would need to be moved to the 2nd slot, as Song of Flame isn't available until later. This would make Viking Funeral the 1st unlockable Tier 1 perk.
8) Expand the effect of the Sunburst perk to include grenades.
Right now, Sunburst gives you a chance to generate a single orb of light when you kill an enemy with Scorch, which is only usable about once every 30 seconds with maximum Strength. This effect is completely underwhelming and not worth using over a perk like Viking Funeral which makes anyone you set on fire burn for more damage per second and increases the burn duration. By expanding this perk to include grenades, the orb generating potential of Sunsingers will be greatly increased. It won’t put sunsingers on par with the orb generating abilities of a Nightstalker, but it will elevate them to be on par with Defender who has the 2nd highest potential for orb generating thanks to a tier 1 (Gift of the Void) and a tier 2 perk (Iron Harvest). This would also serve to synergize with Gift of the Sun, which gives Sunsingers an extra grenade, or the Upcoming release of Year 2 Sunbreakers which improve solar grenades and give players a second one.
9) Improve Angel of Light
There was a time where I thought this was the most useless perk in the game. However, I have also witnessed players doing amazing things with this perk in PvP on occasion. I’m not about to write off the potential this perk has, but I feel it needs a large rework before it can be a viable consideration in PvE and PvP. With that in mind, I propose the perk be changed to the following: “Aiming your weapon while in the air will maintain your current elevation for a short time. While held aloft, you take reduced damage and weapon kills will generate an orb of light. Reviving fallen guardians while Radiance is active increases the duration of Radiance.”
I know it sounds like I am making this ability really unbalanced, but rest assured there is a method to my madness. Angel of Light only keeps you held up for about 3 seconds. During that time, you take 30% less damage. This is to offset the incredible downside that comes with Angel of Light: The fact that you are exposed. Generating a single orb for your allies rewards you for making good use of your 3 seconds of being held aloft. The last effect is intended to work in conjunction with Song of Flame and Radiant Will to form a very well rounded “healer” setup. Revive Fallen allies to keep that Song of Flame ticking. The increased duration is 3 seconds per revive, so it isn’t capable of being unlimited, but allows you to push the duration out in the right situation.
I chose the words for this effect very carefully because, unlike the current Angel of Light which simply holds you in one place, this version merely maintains your current elevation. In effect, you now have the ability to effectively “Air Strafe” for the 3 seconds the effect persists. This adds a new level of complexity to the effect. It isn’t on the same level as Twilight Garrison, which I am sure people will compare this to, as movement while ADS is pretty slow. Moreover, it is a very limited range of predictable movement.
Please sign if you agree. You can also suggest ideas of your own and I may add them to this list.
Hello, it is me again. I have been thinking about everything for some time now, and have come to the conclusion that if anything is to go/change, it should be Fireborn. It is truly remarkable how many people pick this perk and then complain about how sunsingers are not as viable as other supers when it comes to aggressive/offensive play. Back in your other post I suggested an idea for how they could change it and the more I think about it the more I like it. Here it is, encase you forgot: [b]"Rekindled"[/b] [i]While active the Sunsinger and all allies within X yards can revive upon their first death during the casters radiance, however radiance is now reduced by 45%.[/i] This perk would be picked by skilled players and people who are aware of everything that is happening, rather than the lazy ones who take it as an easy crutch. By making it so that you can only res once you have radiance active, it will require planning ahead and the benefit of this perk is that allies can also take advantage of the self res. [b]Song of flame[/b] is one of the more controversial perks in the entirety of Destiny, on paper it is just too good to be true, in practice (with a knowledgeable team) it is too good to be true, in reality (no one knows what it is) it is just awful, simply because no one has any clue what it is! It drives me insane because the perk is simply phenomenal, yet you have to completely rely on other peoples knowledge of your class... just such a shame. They need to make the buffs name clearer or make the grenade and melee recharge sound a little louder so it is more noticeable, or even add an affect that chains the warlock that is using Song of Flame to any ally affected by it, like a full on visible chain, and have their screen turn an orangish glow around the sides. Anyways that makes both those perks completely team orientated, now for [b]Radiant skin[/b], personally this is my favourite perk, but I do believe it should be more team focused, even if that removes some of it's armor, reason being is because we are suppose to be a support class. I think armor should stay at 50%, but flame shield should apply to allies and a base movement speed increase should be added at the activation of Radiance, while this perk is selected. Kind of like my idea on the previous thread, which was: [b]Flame Ward[/b] [i]Upon activating your super, you and allies within X yards begin to regenerate health immediately and scorch now places a shield on all allies within X yards when it is applied to the caster. Movement speed is also increased by 30% for you and 15% for allies for 5 seconds[/i] About the[b] Radiant Will[/b] perk, I think maybe some people think this is useless simply because they prefer the other one (viking funeral), but me for example, who plays extremely aggressively on my Sunsinger, using fusion grenades, will always pick this. In fact I love this perk the way it is, it gives you a little extra time, and coupled with heart of praxic fire, has the potential to yield 3+ more kills while in radiance, which is definitely not something you can say is useless. So on this I don't believe a change is needed. I like your idea for [b]Sunburst[/b], you have my full support there. Again like I said on your other post, [b]solar wind[/b] should be thrown out and replaced with [b]"Flare"[/b] [i]blinds enemies in a frontal cone for 1 second [/i] but to be perfectly honest, nothing beats flame shield, there is absolutely no point in having any other option on that tree, unless you just want a perk that is more fun to use, but when it comes to competitive play, flame shield wins every time, which is why I think it should be made a baseline feature for Scorch, but then all 8 other specs would need a good baseline feature for their melee as well. [b]Angel of light [/b] with [b]radiant skin[/b] would get abused if the damage reduction stacked, even the orb generation would be abused. You would need to have it on a cooldown, once every 7 seconds? but then if you limited it to a cooldown it would once again be shadowed by the other perks. I appreciate your thought on this, and love your ideas, but you have to remember people cry about anything and everything that can be considered OP, and when they call for a nerf for the sunsingers who make an orb everytime they jump and kill something, Bungie will be Bungie, and just completely butcher the spec with nerfs. Right now [b]Angel of light[/b] has it's place, it is a great and very tactical ability to have, it's just a shame it has to compete with[b] Gift of the Sun[/b] and [b]Touch of Flame[/b] I think what should be done is all specs should have a unique and completely optional addition to their jump, here is just a little example: [b]Sunsingers[/b]: Aiming your weapon in air holds you in place for 3 seconds [b]VoidWalker[/b]: Increase height of blink and activates a slow fall effect after blinking [b]StormCaller[/b]: Holding your grenade button while in air will hold you in place for a short duration and show you it's flight path [b]Striker[/b]: Highlights all enemies while you are using lift [b]Defender[/b]: For 3 seconds after landing, reduce your run speed by 50% but gain an overshield for the duration [b]SunBreaker[/b]: Puts you in third person when using Lift, and gives a greater field of vision. [b]GunSlinger[/b]: Holding Melee shows flight path of throwing knife for 2 seconds [b]BladeDancer[/b]: Reduce distance of blink but gain a huge burst of speed for 2 seconds after landing [b]NightStalker[/b]: Whenever in the air, you partially phase into the void, gaining 35% damage reduction but may not use grenades or smoke bombs. Remember I think these should be optional, so if you didn't want this perk on your jump, you simply don't need to take it, but if you did, then you could and it wouldn't affect your other choices, as it is a stand alone perk.
Referring back to a previous point I made about planned synergies, I think many of these changes are well outside the realm of possibility. Any proposed alterations to the base effect that a talent currently has, or to the talent's position in the grid, are likely to be unacceptable to the development team. Having said that, I do think you are on the right track in some of your ideas, particularly those that focus on the lackluster support talents that the Sunsinger currently possesses. Your Sunburst fix, for example, is right on the money. This is exactly the fix I had recorded for this talent myself. I also agree with the idea of the Sunsinger as a healing type of support class. Unfortunately, I don't think that is something that carries over particularly well when it comes to reviving teammates, because too much of the way difficulty is added as the game progresses involves revive timers and restrictions. However, given the popularity of perks like Cauterize, and the increasing presence of areas and mechanics that prohibit normal health regeneration, I think that the simple ability to forcibly trigger regeneration is valuable enough on its own. That's the direction I went in. I also think that the default behavior of Radiance, and by extension of Song of Flame, just isn't all that good. It's worth the effort to address some of the ways in which that concept falls short, as well as to justify why we would want to have access to the cooldown reduction as a team, since group-throwing grenades has never been a strategy in any game mode or encounter. Similarly, the problem with Radiant Will is that one seldom uses Radiance for the sake of Radiance. If the super itself provided more useful effects that were worth prolonging, this talent would be worth taking without adjustment. Your Solar Wind fix is interestingly similar to what I eventually settled on (for now anyway), but I think you went a bit too far with both the blinding and the suppression effects. I'd also apply a buff to Brimstone, as that talent too is somewhat weak in my opinion and doesn't mesh well with the base effect of the Scorch melee. Your changes to Angel of Light are too severe. It's a niche talent to be sure, but for those who can do well with it, it's already pretty good. The only thing I might consider adding to the talent would be some buff to the Warlock's jump ability, like faster movement while using Glide. This fits with the theme of the talent and helps to alleviate the fact that Glide is the slowest jump in the game and that the Sunsinger is stuck with it, without having the powerful offensive talents to make up for it that the Stormcaller has. That change wasn't previously on my list, but I've added it due to the fact that many people seem to feel that Angel of Light is weak in its current form, and you've caused my thinking to evolve on the matter. Having said all of that, I now present my own proposed changes to the Sunsinger subclass for your critique. This is how I would fulfill the subclass' "need to come up." Sunsinger changes: >The base cooldown rate for abilities while Radiance is active has been improved. The maximum rates have not changed. This makes Radiance somewhat less dependant on strength and discipline scores. >Ability cooldowns affected by Radiance and Song of Flame will ignore the Trickle modifier for as long as those effects are applied. >The Song of Flame talent will now affect all allied players regardless of proximity to the caster. >In addition to its current effect the Song of Flame talent will now cause the ability kills of all fireteam members to immediately begin health regeneration. >In addition to its current effect the Solar Wind talent now extends the range of the Scorch melee. Enemies pushed by Solar Wind will be staggered. >In addition to its current effect the Brimstone talent now causes enemies to receive the full burn damage from Scorch immediately. Enemies damaged by the Brimstone explosion are ignited. >The Sunburst talent now applies to grenade kills as well as those of the Scorch melee. >In addition to its current effect the Angel of Light talent now increases movement speed while using Glide.