Today, I went to the bathroom on my office building's floor, and proceeded to push open a stall door. Turns out, the lady taking a shit there had forgotten to lock the door. We both just kind of froze, terrified and shocked, and made eye contact for a split second. I nope'd the -blam!- out of there and went to the floor below's bathroom. Oh god, why?
What do you guys got?
Edit:Removed the Solaris tag. I didn't think it would cause so much drama.
Edit #2: People are still commenting on this?
went to throw a bottle of shampoo at my friend, i missed and hit a store clerk in the side of the head
So I was bursting for a piss at work, and I saw one open cubicle door so I started unzipping my pants, so that I could piss as soon as I got in the door. Upon entering said door, there was man. This man then began to turn around to see me with my hands on my penis, behind him, staring at each other. We stared at eachother for 5 seconds, but those 5 seconds seemed like an eternity. I just stared, penis in hand. And so did he. We just stared...
Headphones disconnected from phone while watching SAO episode 10 in my teacher aide period. I thought they were just shorting out as they occasionally do. Cute girl next to me proceeded to listen and watch my phone screen as Kirito and Asuna confess their love for one another. After about a minute she told me I had my headphones unplugged, I blushed and asked her for how long, she said about a minute, and I realized she had been watching and listening to the scene with me.
All of them.
Once when I was little I was leaving a public pool and when I walked into the looker room this old man was standing under a shower naked. But when I came in he decided to turn his entire body towards the entrance to see who was there. And I saw more than I wanted to that day.
I told the corner store clerk "spank you" instead of "thank you" one time. Never went back.
A black chick grabbed my ass in the lunch line back in high school then all her friends were yelling and screaming as they ran out of the cafeteria [spoiler]that shit was weird tbh[/spoiler]
I'm not really awkward I mean I don't like talking if I don't need too in a conversation so yah
I was so close to looking at a strangers penis
In orchestra the director asked us if we remembered a song we were preparing and everyone shouted, "Please tell us we are not going to play it". (The song was terrible.) [spoiler]The composer was there.[/spoiler]
People are strange[spoiler]When you're a stranger[/spoiler]
Edited by Obeonix: 1/21/2016 1:37:26 PMWhen I was born strangers touched me
Oryx showing crota how to shuck potatoes
So I was in a Disney store and I was looking at some necklaces, and I said, "Hey come over here Ad-" to an employee. Later, my mom made the same mistake with the same employee.
When I was in 4th grade I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I guess this lady wasn't either and I got a face full of boob.
Edited by tony: 1/13/2016 8:14:34 PMOnce i was in class just like a normal day. But the teacher told us that we needed a partner, but he was gonna pick them up for us, so he decide to make me work with my biggest crush, it was horrible cuz i didnt know what to do, She was lil mad at me cuz i wasnt talking at all, i was just sitting there telling my self "dont do anything stupid just act normal" but my face was red. And she asked me why was my face red like a tomato and i didnt anwsered her back lol.. So she did all the work... Few months later when i got out of that class i founded out that she liked me lol... I cry evry tim
I was in the mall when I walked past a mannequin, I bumped into it, knocked it over, it broke, the left boob fell off, and flew up into my face, no joke. When I was a kid, I went into a haunted trail, I was being chased by a guy with a fake chainsaw (I was 7, so I thought it was real), ran back to my house, ran in the door, turned left, slammed into a solid wall, looked up,realized that this wasn't my house, everyone in there just looked at me, I shuffled out.
I was in a place one time when I had just walked into the rest room as someone was leaving a stall. I went past them into the stall to find they had clogged that bitch so bad and it was filled with xxxxxxxxx. They knew what they did but walked away and could have given a F.
Back when my bro and I was about 12 or 13 we was staying at a Holiday Inn with our mom for a couple days till we moved in our new house. My bro and i was playing in the public pool by ourselves for about 30 min. This family that looked kinda mix between redneck and hillbilly came to the pool and started playing. The father and 3 of his kids was playing in the pool. 2 of the kids looked almost our age while the other couldn't have been more than 2 or 3 years old. The father was throwing his 2 oldest kids around in the pool while the younger one just sat floating around in a life vest. Both the girl and boy that was around our age started asking us to play with them and their dad. "Hey you two! Come play with us! Our dad's really fun to play with!" Dad responding with "Yeah! Come on boys! You'll have fun!". We declined and 5 min later we see a massive turd floating in the pool and shit pouring outta the toddlers diaper. Last time we ever played in a public pool.
Not a total stranger but he was my cousin's friend. His first words were sorry but you're so damn cute. I just laughed it off hoping he was joking
I said to my friend or who I thought who was my friend "remember when in 8th grade we made a pentagram with rulers and put a calculated in the middle and stated chanting MATH GOD and left it for the next people" the person looked at me in horror as I just spoke what I had said
Those long communal urinals where you can sit and rub shoulders with the wanker next to you
When I was in 6th grade in junior high we just got our lockers I went with my friend to see where our lockers are i was joking around and i tried to open a random locker and when I stop the locker owner was right behind me with a Luigi death stare while my friend was laughing so hard
Edited by Space: 1/16/2016 1:14:00 AMIn grade six we went on a field trip to a lake, and we were standing in the middle of a path in the woods by the lake. Our guide was a girl who was half native, after a few minutes of standing there listening, I saw a spider on my leg, so I swatted it and stomped on it and killed it. Of course she noticed and gave me crap for killing an insect that was respected by their beliefs. and im like in my head wtf did you think I was gonna do? I didnt mean to offend you by killing a freaking spider. Things were really akward after that. Sheesh.
He asked me if i wan sum fuk... Whatever that means..
Edited by Sylok: 1/14/2016 3:42:47 AMSaid thank ya ma'am to a male employee at the mall...(hadn't slept over an hour in the last 2 days then). Yeah, I just kinda corrected myself and apologized many times and noped out of the store. [spoiler]i was rewarded with a grill coming to tell me I looked cute, so now I believe in Karma[/spoiler]