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1/8/2016 8:48:27 PM

Exotic History: H. A. V. O. K. M. #1

[spoiler]This installment of Exotic History is provided by NukeHawk116[/spoiler] An Awoken male Titan raced his way to his quarters stationed at the Vestian Outpost. He was excited as he wound his way past Guards and other Guardians. As he rushed through the hanger doors, his Ghost nicknamed Lima appeared by his side. "Hey slow down there Liam! Your going to wreck into something!" It's pale lime green shell contracted to barely miss hitting someone. "No time for that! I'm getting a call from the Vanguard! I should be getting a new assignment today!!" "Yes... I'm aware... I gave you the message..." "Its awesome cause they..." Lima sighed and copied Liam word for word. "Never send me to do anything important besides kill Fallen... Seriously Liam I am aware of the situation, keep this up and I might break the fourth wall or something." "What?" Liam turned a corner and shut the door to his room. "Never mind... Shall I tra..." "Get the signal up!" "Gah... whatever..." Lima expanded and his shell glowed a dim pale green in the darkness as the lights turned low to see the message better. Liam coughed and smoothed out the folds to his mark and watched the hologram. After a bit, Cayde's face popped up. "Hello? Testing testing." "Hello Cayde!" Liam said cheerily. "Guardian." Cayde coughed and gave a shrug. "Sorry Zavala couldn't do this himself, he's dealing with a... crisis? Of some sort?" Cayde turned and looked away from the screen briefly. "Anyway, I get to play the role of exposition." "That's perfectly fine." The Titan watched Cayde with his glowing yellow eyes intently. "Ah yes..." Cayde coughed and looked a bit uncomfortable. "Anyway, it's time for your new assignment ah..." He pulled up a slip of paper and put on a pair of realistically fake glasses. "Yea, there's a Guardian Down signal belonging to a.... name isn't important now... ah... yea she's been dead a while and now the signal is ah... back up and stuff... so you need to go... check it out." Liam grinned. "I'd be happy to! Where is the signal located?" "Um.. yes it's here?" He ran his finger ovet the page. "Yes it is, I'll send the coordinates to your Ghost, Green Bean." "Its Lima d****t!" Barked Liam's Ghost. "Gesundheit. Anyway..." Cayde dramatically pulled the glasses off of his face and looked at Liam. "This is a dangerous mission I've heard and Zavala wants you to have the upmost care, if we can get this Guardian back it would help us tremendously." Liam's eyes widened and he nodded. "I will sir." "Good now I have to go do... stuff so... yea have fun." Cayde's face dissapeared as the signal dropped. Lima shrunk back to size. "I hate him sometimes..." "Hes just being Cayde is all." Liam grinned and hopped up and down a little. "This is great! Where do we have to go?!" "Can I be asked nicely?" "Come on Lima!" "I swear you are so impatient. Fine we are going to... Mars." Liam stopped hopping. "Mars?" "Wow this is a step up for us actually they must really..." "That's fine I guess..." "What?!" Lima spazzed out angrily. "It's dangerous there!!! The Cabal are not to be trifled with! And there's Vex and stuff and it's a mad house to get through the Exclusion Zone!" "Well I was kinda wanting to go somewhere on Earth, ya know? Never been there, I heard it's pretty at times." "Its a barren wasteland of humanity's failures I'd hardly call it pretty." "Well they have the Last City...." "Its a City with a giant ball hanging over it!" "It's the Traveler!" Liam shouted at Lima. "I know who it is! And until he moves his a** he's just a ball in the sky!! Doesn't matter if he's my dying father or not." "Geez Lima you sound like the other Awoken..." "Cause I have SENSE like the other Awoken. We go there, we are basically shunned. You know the Queen hates Earth born Awoken." "Yea... I know..." Liam sighed. "Come on let's go get ready then." Lima zoomed out of the room and made his way to the hanger. Liam waited a moment and grabbed a picture of an Awoken female standing on a platform underneath the Tower. "Maybe someday I'll find you..." He stuffed the picture in his pocket and walked out to find Lima. Thank you all for tuning in! Since I really want this to be a Community thing (and it has been!), your exotics can now be up for grabs in order for me to write about their history! In order to do this all you have to do is create an exotic on my friends Exotic page (listed in the comments below) and in a spoiler have a hashtag, (#writemyexotichistory) and place it in your main thread. I look their frequently so have a go! And if your creativity is stiffled, give me your opinion on what to do for the next installment of Exotic History while I keep up with my to do list. Post your opinions in the comments below and if this story don't suit your fancy there is always an ENTIRE list to browse in my friends exotic post, so pick one and tell me! Until then Guardians, be mindful of the Cabal for they are not a force to be trifled with link to H. A. V. O. K. M.

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