Star wars reference lol. Just watch.
That is the greatest Misadventure I have ever seen. 12/10
There is a disturbance in the light, the darkness is coming...
Hahahaha you must have mentioned how great the Gjallarhorn was in it's presence.
Oh my god. Your rocket launcher just got MvP for the Hive.
Time for a new launcher. This one is obviously biased against you :)
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah!!! This was awesome.
The force is strong with this one. Lol
[i]This made me laugh so hard [/i]
that was actually hilarious
How was that possible?
That rocket must really hate you! It went the extra mile to come all the way back just to kill you. My advice to you would be to invest in a new rocket.
Urmmmmmmmm, a Rocket Launcher with 'Guardian Tracking' 😄
Bump moment of the week
I guess it didn't see where it was going
Hehe, nice.
Lol!!! [b][][][][/b]
0/10 needs more sick spins
Huh, I've never heard of the "Guardian Tracking" perk before.......
Skynet has taken control of destiny... And to think the floating pvp bodies were the end of it...