I have adapted my own version of the lyrics to the Shia Labeouf song to pay tribute to Senpai Carbonite Flux.
You're posting a new topic
There's no one around, and your heavy weapon is empty
Out of the corner of your eye you spot him
Carbonite Flux
He's following you, about 30 feet back
He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint
He's gaining on you
Carbonite Flux
You're looking for the mute button, but you're all turned around
He's almost upon you now and you can see…
There's cuteness on his face
My god, there's cuteness everywhere!
Trying not to get called cute, from Carbonite Flux
He's brandishing a smart phone, it's Carbonite Flux
Lurking on the forums
B.net superstar Carbonite Flux
Living in #DESTINY, Carbonite Flux
Calling people cute for sport, Carbonite Flux
Catcalling all the users
Actual, Senpai Carbonite Flux
Now your post is dead, and you seem to have lost him
But you're hopelessly lost yourself
Stranded with toxic comments
You creep silently through the forums
In the distance, a dead ghost with a light on - Hope!
You move stealthily toward it...
But your leg! AH! It's caught in a sweeper bot!
Gnawing off your leg (quiet, quiet)
Limping toward the dead ghost (quiet, quiet)
Now you're getting closer,
But wait he's there reviving it, Carbonite Flux
Looking up the Grimoire, Carbonite Flux
But he doesn't hear you crawl up, Carbonite Flux
You're sneaking up behind him
Strangling supreme leader Carbonite Flux
Fighting not to get called cute, with Carbonite Flux
Wrestling a reply, from Carbonite Flux
Find and press the mute button
Safe at last from Carbonite Flux
You limp back to the forums
Blood oozing from your stump leg
You've beaten Carbonite Flux
Wait! He isn't muted! Senpai Surprise!
Pre-nerf Thorn to your head, cuteness in his eyes
But you can do Jiu Jitsu
Body Slam superstar Carbonite Flux
Legendary fight with Carbonite Flux
Normal Raid night for Carbonite Flux
You try to throw a mute at Carbonite Flux
But blood is draining fast from your stump leg
He's dodging every mute, he parries to the left
You counter to the right, you catch him in the neck
Now you can not hear him
You have just muted Carbonite Flux
He tries to call you cute but can't, expressionless
You fall to your knees and catch your breath
You're finally safe from Carbonite Flux
Senpai notice me plz.
P.S. u all look cute today bbs
He is the one Senpai to notice them all...