Hi I'm looking for a clan that will support a slow player, oldish gamer, not stupid just not fast at aiming pointing shooting, been on quests with others my kill rate is avg at 30 there's will be 70+ or even one time 100+.I love the game would just appreciate some help now and then with raids and the daily heroic quests. My biggest let down - jumping - sometimes I get to where I need to be others not so good. Always willing to support just don't expect me to be fast, maybe I'm to cautious who knows.
I'm 46. I don't raid but my 39 year old brother and I do night falls and dailys. I'm eastern time zone. We can help you. I have old man reflexes also!! I'm on Xbox one. Gamer tag same as above
Count me in as well. I'm 47, doing pretty well in the crucible from time to time but I could use some help on Nightfalls, raids, daily heroics,. . . What timezone are you in ?
What system are you on? Which time zone?
Add me old man. I'm only 36 but my clan has a few 40+ players that raid and what not. We don't really care how good someone is.
Add me mate if you like , I'm an older gamer I'm on after 8.00 uk time most nights . I'm not fast but friendly tag is benstarno1
What is it exactly that slows you down?