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1/8/2016 10:36:04 PM

Guardian Down

Well everyone, Its been a blast-playing destiny (for the most part), but I think it time for this guardian to turn in my ghost and supers. Not going to lie, most if the time this game was fun, but there is just too much work that needs to be done for it to actually be a game. Still feels like another second job with no benefits, and the company has terrible communication with clients and only responds to the elitist. Never have I played a fun, -blam!-ed up, corrupt, exciting, and unfinished game like this. Maybe You will see me mid destiny 2 release… Maybe. To fanboys play on and don’t go broke throwing money at the screen. To trolls, I really don’t give a popcorn -blam!- about you opinion, and to Bungie before I go I think you should know about the good and the bad. The Good: - In the beginning destiny defiantly felt like no other game. Felt like halo but on another level of excitement - Character customization was a bit different from most game, Ill even go as far as to say one if the best customization systems I’ve seen in a game in a long time (at least when HoW dropped). Haven’t played very many character customization game( gta v, saints row, and cod) - Level progression was interesting in year 1 and had its ups and downs, but it was easily understood and fun to upgrade for the most (More on that in the bad section) - Characters abilities were extremely fun to use. This was the first FPS I’ve played were I loved every characters ability equally. All characters abilities had dynamics to them and really made you feel like that specific guardian. I hope bungie create more guardian with fun abilities of their own in the future. Or allows you to customize abilities. - Planets were fun to explore when you first discover them and the quality of the graphics were amazing. - The weapons wow the weapons were one of the best parts of the game to me. So many to use. I do wish a lot were not so hard to obtain in year 1, and I wish most of the greens and blue weapon designs were not wasted. Year 1 exotic felt exotic. - Pvp was fun to a point( I keep saying at one point because its true xD) All of the game modes were fun and kept me playing. Only problems in my opinion were p2p, skill based matchmaking, and nerfs (More on that in the bad section) - In year 1 I didn’t mind playing the strike playlist for marks, playing the weekly for strange coins, and nightfall (hated the send to orbit upon wipe). Poe was one if the best things I felt the added because it was perfect for players who had jobs and didn’t have much time to play other endgame activities. E-light was one best ideal that got scrapped. - Raids, Loved em, but they lacked the one thing that would make them truly epic, and player will go back and forth about it, but at the end if the day something better should have been implemented. Talking about in game LFG or Matchmaking. (More on that in the bad section) - The gear, interesting. Exact same opinion about the weapons. Why were some of the greens and blues not upgradeable to become purples and exotics? IDk First impression on the class gear I thought cooking apron, Bathrobe, and superman blanket, but I liked the gear. - The enemy’s, Love every race and their abilities. Especially the taken - TK was a huge step up in some ways (at first) The Bad (the worse first) - Communication suck on bungies behalf. The only communication we get from them is when cozmo or deej are talking about clans, nerfs or announcing an upcoming purchasable dlc or item available for purchase. Yes they have spoke about upcoming events, and other fun thing, but way less then it should be. There’s a lot wrong with communication that most players know about so I wont go into too much detail about it. - The fact that loyal players have bought every dlc leading up to TK(including me) and are still being treated horribly is astonishing. Especially after finding out the dlc was suppose to me in the bass game. The disrespect to day one players (including me), that continues to happen. Disrespect to new players who don’t know any better. - Micro transaction is not only cosmetic, and there are a lot of fanboys who will argue it is. To them I say, Spark of light. I wouldn’t even care about them if Micro transaction not so expensive, and If they hadn’t lied about the cosmetics or if bungie hadn’t been so greedy with the price of TK or all dlc for that matter in the first place. Everything they are doing just feels like they see their player base as wallets with too much cash. - The endless nerfs, and re-balances in the game is getting ridiculous. Its only making the game worse and worse. Most day 1 players will agree that 1.1.1 was destiny weapons at its best. Sad to say that, players have been informed that balances will not stop. On to of that the endless cries for nerfs and post about weapons, supers, melees, ect being op. To me it sounds like players think its easier to complain instead of actually using those items, or countering them with something better. Git Gud scrubs along with bungie is destroying a once good game. - RNG(gambling) believe it or not rng is like gambling and is addicting like such. Bungie hired a guy to implement this system and RNG in the game. It defiantly shouldn’t be in Micro transaction. - No Story…. Need I say more? Ok, I have to leave to game to get a story. I read all day at work. The last thing I want to do is come home, pop on the game, and computer to read the plot of the game. TK fixed that problem kinda. - If this were a MMO it lack the must have elements to make it an mmo. As I said before, the raid is supposed to be an endgame activity, but there is no function that allows you to actually speak to other players in the tower, no LFG, no Matchmakers where it actually counts in the game. - The new light leveling system isn’t bad, but its not as good as it was in year 1 using shards to upgrade your raid gear, or etheric light. The new raid has it where you trade 20 shards for a chance (gambling) at good items. - The grind is too real…… nuff said. Smart players know what I mean, need I say more? - P2p, need I say more? - Expensive game for lack of content, need I say more? - Thought I love the fact that it is a “multiplayer game” but It’s online only. A lot of players who play destiny will agree with me, but I hate the fact that it’s online only and there are no single player endgame activities. Why can it be everything good? Thought they say players play their way and play what they like. It feels a lot like we have to play a certain type of way (your way bungie). - TK has so many good things but what I absolutely hate its to re- grind for things I’ve already had in the first place. It’s very said that players are ok with it, And exotics don’t feel exotic anymore either. These are just a few things I liked and disliked about destiny. There are a lot more but these are the top thing that made the game amazing, and things that killed the game completely for me. I will return as I said maybe mid destiny 2 if it get very good reviews. As of now destiny is a 3.5 out if 10. I’m am not just quitting because of the game, Its also me. I have lost track of my goals and think to time to get back on track. Use to play with my girlfriend, but she figured out way sooner then I did that this game is addicting. A drug I mush quit cold turkey for a while. Ill still visit these forums to see what new. Until my next time, Guardian down not out, (H0Tlava300)

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  • Well said Zero, it's a shame but you pretty efficiently covered most of the issues......that are starting to outweigh the "fun" of playing Destiny. Sorry to see you go, maybe D2 will be enough to bring you back. Carry on Guardian.

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