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Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/10/2016 4:50:33 AM
*pulls out shotgun* Goodbye. *bang!*[spoiler]I did edit this so that way it slightly better in the way of specifically[/spoiler] Here is an alternate way that this could have gone [spoiler]Goodbye uldren sov, this is for the attempted murder of all of the guardians that came to you seeking to cleanse the black garden[/spoiler]

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  • *appears behind you* goodbye terror... *fires golden gun into the back of your skull*

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  • Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/9/2016 5:40:04 PM
    *as shot goes through skull, the form waves and disappears as though it were a shadow* Nuke, I'm a cat that can control both the light and the darkness you are going to have to try something better than a golden gun *shadow claws slice at nuke's thrall hand and hobgoblin leg*

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  • Edited by NukeHawk116: 1/9/2016 5:44:58 PM
    *I suddenly disappear as an extremely armor titan and warlock take my place and seize you* [i]Titan[/i] Tabetic... Why have you forsaken yourself? [i]Warlock[/i] We have no choice Cobalt... We need to kill Tabetic...

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  • Ugh split personality disorder..... Great bad thing about it though, same weakness * smoke appears as I disappear and a hunter, titan, and a warlock, and a hunter cat sparta kicks the warlock in the crouch* same weakness, a kick to the crouch will solve an easy problem

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  • *the warlock reels in agony as the titan smashes the hunter's chest and windpipe* [i]Cobalt:[/i] Do I need to do everything myself? [i]Warlock:[/i] Gah! You little [redacted] I'll burn your insides to pure black! Then I feed you to the thralls!

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  • Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/9/2016 6:00:21 PM
    *the hunter is attempting to not die, the warlock goes into storm trance, and the titan starts to throw hammers of sol, while the hunter cat is teleporting and sparta kicking people in the crotch*[spoiler]Who is cobalt?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Cobalt is the titan[/spoiler] *Cobalt deploys an opaque ward of dawn that is sending an increasingly amount of radiation* [i]Cobalt:[/i] Come fight me *a minigun is heard spooling up inside the bubble as the warlock shoves a firebolt grenade in your titans armor* [i]Warlock:[/i] HaHa burn!

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  • *The titan puts up a ward of dawn that shoves the grenade out of his armor* Why is there radiation?!?! * the warlock is doing something while the hunter is regaining the ability to breath* I CAN'T BREATHE!! *falls over clutching throat* *And the hunter cat is teleporting attaching Void detonation grenades to the titan* IMMUNE TO RADIATION!!!!

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  • Edited by NukeHawk116: 1/9/2016 9:57:24 PM
    *a red dot hovers over your warlock's head as it becomes mush* [i]Cobalt:[/i] where did you go cat? *picked up on comms* Cobalt, Orion fall back to rally point 1 echo-alpha...

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  • Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/9/2016 10:01:32 PM
    *warlock gets teleported to carrier ship and revived on board and terror the hunter cat is still teleporting but now he has teleported the now dead hunter and the titan to the carrier ship, while strapping a 5000 kiloton bomb to the back of cobalt's armor that cloaks immediately* Hey cobalt! Over here! *throws rock that gets impaled in his armor and pops open a remote detonator and sets a timer and terror teleports into the ammo pouch for cobalt's minigun without him realizing it*

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  • *cobalt quickly turns around and starts firing at where you were trapping you in the barrels ripping your spine almost straight out of your body* [i]Cobalt:[/i] Am I out of ammo already? *Cobalt reaches behind him hitting the back of the bomb* [redacted] BOMB! BOMB! BOMB!

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  • *Cobalt hears a click and then a voice* you know you really should be more careful about where you point your gun, I mean you hit the detonator which I put inside your ammo bag that had a timer oh and also again shadow apparition. *after the words are over a countdown clock begins in cobalt's helmet* 3.... 2..... 1..... BOOM! *on boom cobalt thinks he is safe but immediately blows up and terror is shown walking out of the blast wearing sunglasses and says to orion* Run

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  • *Orion disappears in a cloud of vex smoke as Cobalt somehow survives* [i]Orion:[/i] Command I'm falling back to Cher- *transmission cuts out*

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  • Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/9/2016 10:49:51 PM
    Hmmm *teleports back to carrier ship and makes sure the guardians are better, especially the hunter, who by know has been killed and revived perfectly well. Terror begins to start typing into a computer and begins to triangulate where orion and the supposed to be dead cobalt are in relation to cher.* So most likely chernobyl.... *begins to scan chernobyl for any inbound or outbound signals*

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  • {you detect an nothing out of the ordinary} *as Orion and the hulk of cobalt's combat armor hit the ground five miles under the reactor of chernobyl 17 guardians (yes Cobalt too) surround Orion and start checking for trackers and such* You guys made it out of there which is good... The bad news is we need to torch and burn the compound... *a guardian says as she throws containers of explosives and fuel to the others*

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  • Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/9/2016 11:24:12 PM
    *sensors onboard [u]The Defiance[/u] begin to pickup emergency response signals as subterranean thermal and nuclear alarms begin to send distress beacons from an old nuclear reactor in chernobyl* Now why would those alarms be going off? Nothing in Old Russia would be operational...... Unless you were using it as a secret underground base! *teleports down to the distress beacons and extinguishes the fires and dampens the nuclear contaminates* yep it looks like there was definitely a base here, definitely not a golden age base judging from the burn't tech.. *scours the burnt mess and finds a melted plate of plasteel that was melted to a door* this looks like one of cobalt's plates judging from the blast marks, so glad that it has a unique isotope that can be easily tracked *breaks plasteel plate from door and begins to track cobalt*[spoiler]also did I guess chernobyl correctly or did you put it as it just in case?[/spoiler] [spoiler]also I know i should reduce the size of these but i don't want to[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by NukeHawk116: 1/9/2016 11:27:50 PM
    *18 sparrows are gliding over the water* Nuke... The biometrics we left to see if they came just tripped they know where the compound is... [i]Orion:[/i] how much farther do we need to go to the gravity lift? [i]Nuke:[/i] We are about a klick away from the LZ... [spoiler]you guessed correctly[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/9/2016 11:44:03 PM
    *appears at the end of the tunnel and finds a river* huh access to the sky means I can track them from my ship, they should have at least a five to ten minute headstart, so Will! Get started on tracking them (will is the hunter) *Terror teleports onto his ship and flies over the river following it* Will: Terror, I found them! They are along the river, but farther ahead, and I'm about to lose them because they are headed to towards a structure! Terror: thanks will! *Ejects from ship and deploy's sparrow and breaks the sound barrier, after a minute or two the contrail of their engines is visible* Terror: Will set up a tracking beacon on me right now I can see them and about to join their pack! *Terror teleports into a hidden storage compartment inside nuke's sparrow* (Thinks to himself) Thank the traveller that nuke never found this hiding space [spoiler]Effectively the same size as the last one XD[/spoiler]

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  • Alright... Torch the sparrows we walk in the forest from here... *every guardian put high power explosives on the engines and run into the tree-line* AND SOMEONE TAKE OUT THE SPARROW AND THE SHIP THAT WAS FOLLOWING US! *Cobalt pulls out a new experimental rocket launcher and destroys Will's jumpship and your sparrow* Orion... Push the button... *all the sparrows explode as everyone walks into the forest as it becomes night*

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  • Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/10/2016 4:03:06 AM
    *overhears that they will blow up the sparrows and decides the only way to get out alive would be to cloak and open the bottom panel and follow them so terror does that* So glad that the warmind stealth codes work on me, even if they are a bit modified *falls out of the sparrow cloaked and follows the group by moving at the same pace as them through the forest*

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  • Edited by NukeHawk116: 1/10/2016 8:29:36 PM
    Alright we are here... Iris, activate the plasma beacon *A female guardian pulls out a small spherical object and presses a button on it* [i]Iris:[/i] Nuke why are we doing this? First still waters, then the compound now our sparrows!? Why are we doing this [redacted] why is Orion and Cobalt seemingly dead! [i]Nuke:[/i] Fine... You know that cat guardian? Well he kinda is hunting us *whistles as Hawk flies and stabs a knife into your leg* And is here right now...

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  • Edited by TabeticTerror1: 1/10/2016 4:24:18 AM
    OW nuke, not hunting you more killing uldren sov and self defense with overkill oh and also how did you know I was here, and orion and cobalt, probably aren't dead, hopefully *silently wondering if the teleportation bomb worked* yeah they might not be dead well at least cobalt, I believe that you guys killed orion I think the warlock's name is, also cobalt was rather gruesome with his weapon choice. *pulls knife out of leg and places paw over leg and the tissue knits back together* Oh nuke one thing that I never told you about was that darkness and light can work wonders as a healing item *slaps nuke and the bird* That Knife hurt! I might be able to heal my self but not immune to pain! Oh also *presses sphere that the female guardian holds*

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  • *a black phantom with blood red stripes appears hovering above the trees* everyone get on the phantom and head to [i][u]The Heresy[/u][/i] I have business to take care of... *pulls out combat shotgun and starts firing* Tabetic I know where you are [Hawk starts clawing at your eyes and face]

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  • *crawls into a ball as fur begins to spike outwards* Nuke if you don't want to be killed I would suggest you run right NOW! *The fur spikes grow larger and more pointed, as sharp as knives as suddenly the spikes fly outwards in all directions even hitting the ship* Oh traveler that hurt! Never going to do that again. * fur grows back near instantly* and teleports out of sight of nuke but then teleports onto a part of the ship that nuke was getting on and phases into the cargo hold* Why do the cool things hurt? *Lies in a ball invisible inside of a crate, undetectable by the bird and any scanner*

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  • [i]Iris:[/i] uh Tabetic this ship is a troop transport... It has no cargo hold and we can all see you... *Nuke joins them very angry... Very VERY Angry* YOU KILLED HAWK YOU LITTLE [redacted]! I WILL END YOUR LIFE IN AN INSTANT! *Nuke disappears as everyone stares in fear* [i]All the guardians:[/i] Well it has been nice knowing you Tabetic but Nuke is going to erase you from time and space...

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