"H-HES GONE.... HES GONE..... H-HES GONE....." [b]he repeats, still heavily breathing, harder[/b]
"The kid?"
"NO... NO. WHERE IS HE..."
[b]he nods toward the pit full of rats[/b]
[b]he holds Willow back, not letting her see into the pit, and looks down. You see him turn around with a tear in his eye as he drops a live grenade into the pit, walking toward you[/b]
"Oh god..."
[b]he nods, a single bloody tear streaming down his face. He holds a tiny skull[/b]
"Oh no...."
[b]he nods and tries to hug her, keeping the mask on our of pure fear for what would happen. [/b]
[b]She breaks down crying[/b] "It's my fault!"
[b]he hugs her tightly, slowly rocking back and forth.[/b] "shhhh. It was me... It's always me. I didn't protect him.." [b]he wispers[/b]
"I didn't take the bloody thing!"
"Shhhh And I didn't protect him..."
[b]She cries even harder[/b]
[b]he hugs tighter[/b]
[b]She keeps crying[/b]
[b]he picks her up and carries her back to the barrows, sitting her on a scavenged hospital bed[/b] "I... I'm sorry..."
"Shhhh, no, it's on me. I'll be right back." [b]he walks out to find Caroline [/b]
[b]She sits against a dune[/b]