"It's me.. Cait... Caitlyn..?" [b]A few tears flowed down her cheek.[/b]
[i]he looks at her with recognition, and smiles, going to hug her[/i] "Caitlyn! So sorry about not remembering you, took a few knocks when the ship went down"
[b]She covered herself, and cried into your shoulder.[/b] "I've been so alone.."
"I've been looking for you, I'm so sorry"
"The bandits.... They've broken me..." [b]She said, still crying.[/b]
"What'd they do?!"
"Terrible things....I don't even want to say...."
"Caitlyn, please tell me" [i]he says, ending the hug and putting his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes [/i]
"They ravaged me... Time and time again..." [b]Her clothes were torn nearly completely. She was completely and utterly exposed.[/b]
[i]He stops looking at her with a look of happiness, but rather a look of anger[/i] "Point me in their direction, I'll cut them down one by one"
"Their camp is to the south... " [b]She looked sad and terrified.[/b]
"I'll be back soon, I promise" [i]he says, running to the south[/i] [spoiler]your turn to narr8 m8[/spoiler]
[b]You hear female screams, maniacal laughter and chanting. You see a row of tents with a fire at the center, people dancing around it, with several female screams coming from multiple tents.[/b]
[i]He simply pulls out a large GLW-LC Laser Carbine, and starts mowing them down, from behind a rock[/i]
[b]Several beaten and exposed women run from the camp, crying and screaming.[/b]
[i]He takes note to not shoot them as they run, and he waves them behind the large ass rock, gunning down bandits[/i]
[b]All of the bandits were torn to shreds, bleeding chunks of meat scattered around the camp.[/b]
[i]He tells the women to stay put, while he looks for any other women in the village, calling Justin to ensure the women don't have anything happen[/i]
[b]You find one dead in a tent, a bullet through her head.[/b]
[i]He looks, before closing her eyes and leaving, going back to the __ others[/i] [spoiler]how many?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]19.[/spoiler] [b]They looked scarred and sad like Caitlyn. Truly broken.[/b]
"Okay, follow me ladies, I'm getting you to safety"
[b]They follow obediently. Meanwhile, Caitlyn lays curled up under the covers in her bed, crying.[/b]
[i]They arrive, and JT goes to Caitlyn[/i] "Caitlyn!"
[b]She continued sobbing.[/b]
[i]He sits on the bed next to her[/i] "Caitlyn, babe, I'm here"