316 Titan looking for a team to farm Omnigul for Grasp/Bond on PS4.
Please have an exotic sword.
Add TheRedHanded
Need two to farm for grasp. Must have raze lighter or another exotic sword. Ps4 add co1923ke.
Need one more a hunter with tether
Once more! 310+ Titan looking for a team to farm Omnigul on PS4 for Grasp/Bond. Got exotic sword & tons of heavy synth. Done this before. Add TheRedHanded
Lvl 317 Hunter looking to farm Omnigul PSN Bleak_Outlook
At it again tonight! 311+ Titan looking for a team to farm Omnigul on PS4. Got all exotic swords. Done it before. Add TheRedHanded
Need 2 name above
At it again tonight! Still 316 Titan. Still on PS4. Still prefer we'd use exotic swords! Add TheRedHanded
Omnigle farm LFG PSN xXpeckettX
Bump! Still looking!
I'll do it