[i]He feels cold steel being pressed against the back of his head; a gun barrel[/i]
[b]Please, leave, if I fight more I might...[/b]
"Kid, no. By the way, if I wanted you dead we wouldn't be speaking now. So, I suggest not being so cocky"
[b]Im not being cocky, I don't want to![/b] [i]You can see the fear turned into anger[/i]
"Then do it" [i]he angrily says[/i]
[b]Wha- what?[/b]
"Kill me you worthless fūck! Pull the trigger like a man!"
[i]His sword starts to fade black, his armor does the same, soon his right are (the one the swords in) is covered by a black and red armor with something that looks like black fire coming out of it[/i] [b]F- Forgive me[/b] [i]he disappears and reappears behind you, this time 5x faster than before, but he's about 10 feet away, he makes a horizontal slash, the sword not reaching you but a 'wave' of black most is sent flying at you[/i]
[i]He simply splits in half, the wave going in between the gap, and reshapes[/i]
[i]He slashes all over, trying to make it so the manures can't reform[/i]
[i]It fails, and he walks out of the Avalon's wreckage, flipping you the bird at the same time[/i]
[i]He returns back to normal and falls to the ground, the armor returning to normal[/i]
[i]the bullets still remain, him having 4 in his right leg, one in his left knee, and one in his chest, and a note is on the ground in front of him[/i]
[i]He grabs the sword, the wounds close as he screams in pain. He then reads the note[/i]
"Don't pick fights you won't win, kid"
[i]He coughs up some blood[/i] [b]Jerk[/b] [i]He lies there unconscious[/i]
[i]He stops and looks at you[/i] [b]Wh- what?[/b]