[i]she shuffles close as well[/i]
"And how did you know that using birds in the jungle would be a good idea?"
[spoiler]basically anytime JT saved her ass, he retold as her saving him[/spoiler]
"And that is?"
"Small tent, fits two. You want in?"
"Let's go then" [i]she says, walking south [/i]
[b]She follows [/b]
[i]they arrive at a small, green tent, and she enters[/i]
[b]As does she[/b]
[i]She lays down on a mattress [/i]
[b]She closely follows[/b]
[i]She falls fast asleep[/i]
[b]As does she[/b]
[i]she continues, putting her right hand on the back of her head[/i]