originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Salzar fires at the slashign hand backpedaling away from it
[b]He grabs you by the leg and throws you up in the air. Sending you higher then his head. He charges up his blades for an attack.[/b] [spoiler]Huh. What REALLY cool thing could you do in a position like this?[/spoiler]
Salazar fires to the sk as the recoil sneds him back dwon and he prepares to fall on the beasts head with his elbow
[b]The force Knocks the beast into the ground. His power wanes from being the last beast alive. He gets up and stabs at you. His giant blade going right for you.[/b]
Salazar dodges the balde and charges attmepting to grab it for himself
[b]You can't Grab it. But the blade gets stuck in the ground. Making a pathway up the sword and his arm to his face. He tries to slash at you with his other blade.[/b] [spoiler]Tossing you a bone here bud...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I wanted to decapitate him with his won weapon but Ok....[/spoiler] Salaar ran up his arm to hsi face rpeparing for a punch
[spoiler]Is-is it a Salazar punch?[/spoiler] [b]He gets his sword out of the ground. And tries to get you off[/b] [spoiler]Just kill em[/spoiler] [spoiler]The quest is kind of over now lol [/spoiler]
Salazar series: VERY -blam!-ING NORMAL PUNCH! [spoiler]OPM reference[/spoiler] He pucnhes with his Stregnht nt makign much effort still been as srong as a nuke
[b]Ganons face explodes due to badassery overload and dies. The forcefield disappears. It's a nice day out. .....uh. Ya....that's all folks.[/b]
[quote][b]Ganons face explodes due to badassery overload and dies. .....uh. Ya....that's all folks.[/b][/quote] [spoiler]I'm saving that.[/spoiler]