Simply put PvP is a huge part of the game. The last few events were mainly PvP style events. The biggest issue is complaints about connection issues. Such as lag switching. Red barring players that won't die and things of this general nature. All products of bad connections or manipulated connections.
Which pretty much ruins the game and events for the majority of players. This can be fixed by bungie in a very easy way.
They can simply add into the PvP portions of the game a refusal of connection. If someone has a bad connection/red bar. Deny the connection and remove them from the event.
Honestly it is not that hard of a requirement and a simple thing to add. Will this piss of a lot of players. Maybe. Will it make the majority of the game community happy. Hell yes.
Imagine going into trials and know the event is balanced and you will not lose to a team of red bar/lag switchers
Imagine sighting on the enemy and knowing when you fire the connection is solid and they are going to die.
Think of even SRL taking a corner and not watching you drop from first to second over and over as the turd behind you warps past you over and over.
It doesn't stop here. Picture Iron Banner holding a control point while CQB is not lost to the player that warps into the point killing everyone while every round fired or fist swung misses.
All of this continues into the day to day PvP. The same issues fixed for every day play.
Yes we as a community need this simple fix. Deny these people the ability to ruin the game and events. Stop allowing them to keep this entire part of the game under the control of crappy play and manipulation as they walk over skilled and dedicated players.
Bungie needs to add in a requirement for connection to play in PvP. Give us the balance we want. Nerf the weapons and supers and gear. I would rather have a solid chance on equal ground then letting crap connections dictate and control the game.
So many complaints are due to connection issues in trials and PvP events. So fix the issue
If you as a player in this current age of high speed connection can not at least have a decent connection. Then get a better one. If you as a player need to lag/red bar to play and win. You need to re address your own skills and learn to play like the rest of us.
Not very one has or can afford supper fast internet that costs more than my tuition. I usually yellow bar and I know of many people that have the same problem and cannot change that. The crucible is the only reason that most of us come back to this ghost town and you are suggesting that we just stop letting them play. What would you do if you had bad internet and could not afford the latest package from verizon? Would you take one for the team?