"What's up?"
"Not a whole lot, and with you?"
"Not much"
R: "Isn't it wonderful that love can do so much to depression..."
Viola: "that it is"
[b]She just smiles[/b]
[i]lopez, Quincy and Craig walk away, giving them all some privacy[/i] Janice: "how are you two?"
Is: "Great since I met you that day..." Ri: "I'm doing very, very good" Is: "And you two?"
Janice: "not bad, not bad at all" Viola: "pretty good, better that you're here"
[b]They both smile, happiness shining in their eyes[/b]
[i]They both hug their partner happily[/i]
[b]They happily hug back[/b]
[i]they continue for what feels like an hour[/i]
Ri: "So, now what are we gonna do?"
Janice: "no idea" Viola: "your calls"
Is: "We could split up"
Janice: "good my me" [i]Janice goes North with Isabella [/i]
[b]Riley goes south with Viola[/b]
[i]thry stop eventually, a far distance from each other[/i]
[b]Isabella happily pecks Janice on her cheek[/b] ----------------- "So, what now?"
[i]she giggles, kissing her lips[/i] --- "Your call babe"
[b]She happily returns the kiss[/b] -__ "We could talk, catch up and maybe learn some things"
[i]She continues, vigorously kissing [/i] --- "Alright, what's going on for you?"
[b]She very happily continues[/b] _-- "Not a whole lot, and with you?"
"Not too much, usual stuff" --- [i]She continues, smiling as she goes[/i]