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Hello, I was look at the character progression endpoint (Account/<memberid>/Character/<characterid>/Progression/) in there I found these progressionhashes:
220716918 (r1_s4_tickets.pvp.trials_of_osiris.wins)
2226114450 (r1_s4_tickets.pvp.trials_of_osiris.losses)
Where are these used for? I was hoping they would update while playing trials, so you could show a live scorecard. But during the whole run the result stayed the same:
[dailyProgress] => 0
[weeklyProgress] => 0
[currentProgress] => 0
[level] => 0
[step] => 0
[progressToNextLevel] => 0
[nextLevelAt] => 1
[progressionHash] -> x
Can somebody give me some more info about these hashes, can you use them in an other way?
Ah, yes - unfortunately, those are "legacy" progressions. When Trials was first created, it used the Progressions system. It has since switched over to a different mechanism for storing those values, but due to content compatibility reasons the now-unused progressions are likely going to stick around for a long time. Unless it changes back to using progressions, they will never again have valid values. However, there is good news - in the coming weeks we're going to be releasing the ability to access Advisor data without being logged in as that user. We'll keep you posted, it's still in the works: but once that comes about, you'll be able to get at this info in a reasonably consistent and predicatable way via the Advisor endpoint.