Then you're trash.
I dusted off my Thorn for kicks. It's funny watching y'all squirm. Before you say it, it's not easy to use, I'm just a veteran beast with it.
That and I'm using Darkblades Spite, it's a fusion rifle. Get disintegrated kids.
I see what you mean and I respect your opinion but people can use what they like as they paid for the game and you can't really force them to change what they use.
Lol Fight me. I play against sweaty players everytime I enter and when I did play sweats. I ain't gonna drop the last word or 1k. But I don't really play much anymore. I'm good at Halo. Would you be angry there?
I use year 1 weapons. Some guy messaged me when he got killed by my Final Boss Sniper
Unranked? I think you're confusing destiny with a competitive multiplayer game with ranked lobbies, rather than what it really is. Destiny's versus lobbies are okay for having a bit of fun, but it's too unbalanced with way too big of an emphasis on luck (random drops for weapons and armor, random perks that can no longer be altered in another random luck role, random light level that comes with the item as well as random levels dropped from other items for use as infusion material, no amount of grinding changing that it's a slot machine, and so on) to be taken seriously.
I take my crucible load out to trials though
I bring my crucible load out into ToO
Some people play the competitive multi-player to win. So they use the best weapons they can. You are allowed to use crappy weapons and just play around, but don't be upset if you lose to a player that wants to win. My k/d sucks also but still enjoy playing. Some people play nothing but the crucible and they would slaughter me with a spoon.
I like to use weapons that work the way they're supposed to. I used to use fusions but the constant stream of nerfs has made them so unreliable that I don't bother with them anymore. It's too frustrating to see them work in one instance and then not work in an identical instance in the same game. Other than that, the array of weapons to choose from is so uninspired in year 2 that I can't be bothered with them. TLW is unique and I mained it even when it was shit and everyone was crying because they couldn't complete the first part of Jolly Holliday.
I actually prefer when people use what's good. The last two days I have been trying out some ARs Fusions and Sidearms, I like to know how I stand up to the big guns to see just how viable the guns I try out are.
What if my trials load out was something not a crutch?
Plan c all the way. That with the iron banner scout is my regular crucible setup. It's a lot of fun to try different guns and it keeps the game fresh.
Oh you mean everyone who plays this sweaty game? Yeah they're all whack
Edited by Snow: 1/14/2016 1:12:14 PMYour weapon kills; Suros Regime; 7014 TLW; 3324 Thorn; 2547 Ghorn; 1449 IB; 2513 Ace of Spades?; 24. Please stop talking about how you always use "obscure" weapons. Please stop talking about how you hated the "Thorn/Shotgun" era.
Yeah I'm with you. They ruin the game for me
If you're losing gunfights to tlw.... [spoiler]Don't get close to them[/spoiler] If you're getting sniped... [spoiler]Stay out of sniper lanes[/spoiler] Problem solved.
Lol u fail
I don't get why you're pissed at people who use those weapons. I don't see any reason to get pissed over some strangers in a game.
That warlock lol
What gives you the right to tell others how to play a game they paid for? Or what they use in said game for that matter. I don't use Last Word cos I just suck with it; I prefer Autos and Scouts but I don't judge people who use TLW. Its their choice. Plus if you are trying to blame players for using TLW because it is, in your opinion anyway, OP, you are wrong to do so because the players didn't make that weapon. If it really is too powerful then that is the fault of the creators of said weapon (hint hint Bungie *cough) TLW is not as overpowered as people think in my view. It is only effective at close range. If you are a master at recoil control then you can do well at semi-mid range as well. But if it is outside its effective range then pretty much anything can beat it.
I hold the right to utilise specific coding on an online platform.
... Your consistent in your choice of weapons
Ppl use what they want to 1k and TLW are not scrub weapons they are over used so quit trying to get ppl to stop
[quote]If you all could grasp the concept my post is about challenging myself.[/quote] surely challenging yourself is using non-meta guns against meta guns? right? which you proclaim to do anyway, so why you getting pissed at people using TLW/Mida/1K stare? this is especially true in normal crucible where levels aren't enabled, the only other ay to challenge yourself would be to go into ToO or IB as 290-300 lvl guardian listen man your post is really condescending, you preach about how you like to run different guns aka play how you want but then criticize people for using the meta weapons aka using the guns they want to use chill out man its just a game
This guy
[quote] If you all could grasp the concept my post is about challenging myself.[/quote] You impose your own rules onto yourself and judge others as trash if they play to win? scrub....