Then you're trash.
I dusted off my Thorn for kicks. It's funny watching y'all squirm. Before you say it, it's not easy to use, I'm just a veteran beast with it.
That and I'm using Darkblades Spite, it's a fusion rifle. Get disintegrated kids.
** [i]equips TLW and 1000 yard stare.[/i]** [b][i]thinks for a second about what would really grind some gears[/i][/b] ** [i]vaults TLW and 1000 yard stare[/i]** ** [i][b]equips Thorn and Felwinters [u]with rangefinder and kneepads, full range of course[/u] [/b][/i] ** ** [i]profits off salt distribution[/i] **