This post is to create another [b]Xbox One NORMAL Raid Finder[/b], [spoiler]you can never have too many![/spoiler]
just type down what checkpoint your looking for and your light level.
[i]Pro Tip,[/i] If you want to increase your chances of getting in a Hard raid team just [u]copy and paste your information[/u] to as many Hard Raid Finders as you want this always works for me.
(For Example):
[b]308[/b] Hunter Gamertag "[b]TheDeathNote2[/b]"
-[u]Experienced on Kings fall [b]Hard[/b] raid[/u]
Looking to join any raid team on [u]any[/u] checkpoint.
( I have a mic )
Feel free to shoot me an invite,
GT [b]TheDeathNote2[/b]
[quote]If I don't reply to your xbox invite it's because I'm probably in a raid group already, so don't take it personal I do appreciate every invite :)[/quote]
Want to join our clan "[b]Die Among Legends[/b]" just follow this link
[quote]We are always looking for new members to join us everyone is welcomed.[/quote]
[b]TheDeathNote2's[/b] stats
[i]Titan[/i] 318 light
[i]Warlock[/i] 318 light
[i]Hunter[/i] 318 light
Gaming Schedule: [spoiler]I'm from San Francisco California. I normally work (Monday - Friday 10:00a.m - 7:00p.m) so I play at around (8:00p.m - 1:00a.m) at the moment I play on my mobile hotspot due to my landlord not allowing my cable provider to drill holes. So until I move out that's the only way I'm able to play destiny online. My hotspot data refreshes every 20th. [/spoiler]
[quote]I can run gaze for golgoroth
Run Relic faster than flash on my hunter[/quote] -updated January 8th 2015
312 defender titan, helm saint, tom gt same, invite me
Need 2 for golgoroth challenge..plz be exp..msg xlbnike xbox one
Need 1 for fresh run. Msg: Jacksonator1234 for inv
Need one for sister cp message wabber789
Need 1 more Titan for sisters 320+
Need 3 for fresh message for invite
2 looking for fresh run
312 defender titan looking to start fresh. Tom and helm of the saint. Beaten hard mode
Titan 317 lf5 to kill oryx at last part rite now Not played since January so a little rusty GT : RECON PREDATORS
Need 5 for fresh run normal. Gt same as above
309 Warlock, have done raid many times with Titan and once with Hunter Voidwalker running Grasp of Malok, Conspiracy Theory and Qullim's Terminus/Dreadfang
312 warlock with tuch gt same as above.
Hunter light 317 looking for raid team on normal i have oryx checkpoint
312 warlock with tuch gt same as above.
Normal oryx cp 300+ Titan pref Msg in console. L beyloron L
Need one for normal run message wabber789
Need 2 at totems cp
Send inv to MAG444 for fresh run on normal need 4
Need 4 for oryx cp must be experienced leave Gt below or message me for inv
Me and a friend are carrying people for fresh run need 4 msg ToasteronaStick for inv
Need 3 for golgoroth must be 305+ msg me for inv gt same as above
Need 5 for oryx normal Xbox one
Need 2 for fresh run normal. Gt same as above. Msg for invite.
Any noobs need a 306 warlock for fresh? My girlfriend's character on my GT is a lock and she has never attempted KF. I will be here to hep her a little as well lol. Appreciate anyone willing to walk her through.
Need 4 for golgoroth challenge mode. Msg with class and light for invite.
Edited by BoatingSleet630: 4/14/2016 7:25:51 PMNeed 4 for kingsfall fresh run. Gt same as above. Msg for invite