But I liked the MIDA before it was "cool"..... I have to not use the weapon I like now??
I used thorn and last word before they were cool. After trials came out though i stopped using them in regular crucible.
I started using TLW after the HC nerf. I have no shame in using it right now. If you used meta guns before they were meta guns, they aren't meta guns.
My hipster alarm is going off.
I miss my 6-round Thorn that I got week 3...
Thorn was my "bandwagon" weapon. I pretty much only used that in Crucible because I felt like you were gimping yourself without it.
This. I was one of the few in y1 to do trials with mida and a sidearm
I didn't play trials, but I used MIDA and Vestian all the time! What people don't get is MIDA isn't as powerful as they think. It's just severely overused. Thorn was OP. TLW's range was OP. MIDA is, in no way, OP.