[b]She shows him a shattered chip[/b]
"T-this is her AI, its broken....."
"I'm sure there was a backup chip in place with her on it, Fire is a smart person" [spoiler]he never met her lmao[/spoiler]
"No..... she's dead, forever....."
"Don't be so sure"
"I am sure."
"Well, death is not a better option than living"
"Why would i still want to live?" [b]She reaches for her second pistol[/b]
[i]He simply looks at her[/i] "Think of the suffering it would bring to your living friends. My best friend died yesterday, and I'm a mess over it. Any other person would look at the amount of deaths that have been going on, see you die, and kill themselves as well, because they can't handle it. You'd be putting your friends through stress, agony and pain that is unknowable in any other way. Do you really want to die and put your friends through that much pain, of losing a friend? What would fire do if you died?"
[b]She drops the gun and keeps crying[/b] "I dont know what she would do, i'll never know."
"I think you know exactly. She'd get depression, and kill herself. Which is also what your friends would do. Do you really want that to happen?"
"I.... no"
"Exactly. They care and want you to stay strong, and to feel good"
"I'll try my best, thanks for this" [b]She hugs him[/b]
[i]He hugs back, before standing and walking out[/i] [spoiler]Thry never met before lmao, may want to get the name[/spoiler]
[spoiler]woops[/spoiler] "Wait. I didnt ask your name yet."
"Real names JT, but I go by Hunter" [i]he says, and the cloak's back faces her, and she sees the words [b]Hunter's Legion [/b]sprawled across it, in Orange [/i]
"My name is scarlett."
"It's a pleasure, Scarlett" [i]he says, walking out [/i]
"Same" [spoiler]end[/spoiler]