[b]He looks over at you, and you can see a stream of blood running into his right eye.[/b] Why? What could make you wish for death so much?
"Fire, my girlfriend...... she was killed. I dont want to live without her....."
[b]He smiles weakly[/b] Do you think she would want you to stop living? Or do you think she would want you to live in her name?
"She'd want me to live..... but i dont."
So do her wishes not matter to you?
"I..... they do but i dont know if i can live like this"
Put yourself in her shoes. If you died, would you want her to die too?
"N-no of course not"
Then don't die. Live. Enjoy life, if not for your sake, then hers. [b]He steps away from you and holds out his hand.[/b]
"I-i dont know......" [b]She drops the gun[/b]
[b]He puts the gun in the bag at his side[/b] How can I show you that there's still beauty in the world, still reasons to live?
"I...i really dont know."
[b]He puts his hands on his hips and stares upwards, thinking.[/b] Surely there's something. What normally makes you happy?
[b]He sighs softly[/b] Besides her?
"Not really....."
What made you happy before you met her?
"My boyfriend......."
What made you happy before a significant other?
And how can that be the case? You're telling me you were always sad before them?
"I lived on a little space ship.... alone"
[b]He waves his hand[/b] I won't press. Well little lady, seems like you need a hobby.
Got any interests? Shooting, sparring, cards, fishing, hitchhiking...?