Then don't die. Live. Enjoy life, if not for your sake, then hers.
[b]He steps away from you and holds out his hand.[/b]
"Haha, i will."
[b]He suddenly laughs[/b]
[b]She laughs too[/b] "Thanks, you made me feel a lot better"
That's what I'm here for. I just realized, I don't even know your name.
"Oh wow, thats true. My name is scarlett."
Nobody. Pleasure to meet you. [b]He cocks his head to one side and grins[/b]
"Your name is nobody?"
That's what I go by anyway. No one has known my real name in a long time. [b]He looks down, sad.[/b]
"Oh..... why not?"
My name carries a list of the dead.
"Well, its your choice not to tell people i guess."
[b]He smiles, pained[/b] Thank you. We've all lost people.
[b]He holds out both arms, offering a hug[/b]
[b]She happily hugs him[/b]
[b]You can hear him draw in a shaky breath[/b] Sorry for killing the mood.
"It's ok."
[b]He lays his head on your shoulder[/b] Sorry, is this too much? [b]He lets go[/b]
"Nah, it's ok."
Um, thanks. [b]He blushes[/b]
"Haha, why are you blushing?"
I, uh, haven't touched someone in a long time. I'm not exactly social.
"Ah, i understand"
[b]He blushes harder and laughs nervously[/b]
"Oh come on"