You're above average, it doesn't matter what anybody says, they're not thinking about it.
Let me explain, for every single kill, there is a death, which gives a global 1.0 kdr. After that factor in suicides, that leads to a slightly negative kdr globally.
So if you have a 1.0 kdr, you're above average statistically speaking, don't let anyone tell you different.
Also, people that want to bring your kd into an argument that has nothing to do with anything are grasping at straws because they can't make a legitimate argument against something you say.
Edit: There are people saying that this is to simple, that the mean average needs to be looked at. Basically if you take every players individual kdr, and then average all of them, I would be interested in knowing that number of bungie would like to do the work to get it, but I would still think this would work out to be slightly less than 1, if someone can explain how that may not be true I would like to know
Edit: Adding this quote from Sixclicks, if this is accurate then it's still very close to 1 [quote]To add to my other reply and answer your question in your edit, the average KDR is actually 1.049424.
You can get this number from by looking at the average KDR of each subclass and the subclass distribution percentages.
So these are the numbers:
Sunbreaker: 1.06 kdr, 18.63%
Stormcaller: 1.04 kdr, 8.76%
Gunslinger: 1.09 kdr, 13.98%
Defender: 1.01 kdr, 2.14%
Striker: 1.03 kdr, 8.6%
Bladedancer: 1.11 kdr, 11.37%
Sunsinger: 1.01 kdr, 12.98%
Voidwalker: 1.05 kdr, 8.27%
Nightstalker: 1.01 kdr, 15.26%
So what you do is simply weight each kdr by subclass distribution percentage and then add it up. So you get:
(1.06 x .1863) + (1.04 x .0876) + (1.09 x .1398) + (1.01 x .0214) + (1.03 x .086) + (1.11 x .1137) + (1.01 x .1298) + (1.05 x .0827) + (1.01 x .1526) = [b]1.049423[/b][/quote]
Edit: it has been explained to me that what I'm looking at is a global kill per death ratio, as opposed to a kill death ratio per player, which in fact may be above one if you were to take each individual players actual kdr, and average them in that manner you would wind up with a completely different number. I can see how that would work, and I would be very interested in seeing the actual average kdr per player, on a global scale. However I still say anything that is positive is good, you help your team in terms of killing more than you die on a consistent basis.
I know I have a 0.9 kd I been flawless every week I can hold my own most of the time.I'm a 320 Titan or I mean I can hit 320 But I'm a 318 Titan with my trials stuff on .but I'm looking for a team were we can run every week and that have a 1.5 kd or better im sorry for asking for to much but add me if u want to help me out death147159
Sit the -blam!- down with ur basic ass...1.0 kd is average and that is being very generous! How the hell is getting one kill for every death above average when we have supers!? when used correctly can rack up at least 3 kills not to mention heavy that spawns 2 times a game![spoiler]you are bad! And you should feel bad![/spoiler]
KD mean nothing.
Let's look at the average PvP kd and create a statistical analysis, anyone outside 2 standard deviations is automatically an outlier the rest will be in the 95% and will be considered average.
Edited by Eiffiks: 1/13/2016 8:42:47 AMAnd what about assists? [just to be clear: this just applies to K/D < 1.0, I agree with your comment about the >1.0, just wondering how to judge below 1.0 who practic emostly team based crucible games.]
I'd like to say that if you have a 1.0 K/D then your opinion in PvP is valid. If your K/D is below that (0.99 hurr durr trololol), your obviously there for a reason and the "I always mess around in crucible" argument doesn't validate it any more then it already is. Most people with a negative K/D always make absurd arguments which make little to know sense.
My Kd was at .79 for the longest time. I'm just building it back up
Yea but my kd is above 1 but I've never taken crucible seriously
Edited by loonigus: 1/13/2016 7:47:03 AMIf they remove supuers, give all ppl the same weapons and remove the lag and latency issues then KD can matter again. I look at different factors then only KD, but KD is a part of it ofc.
90% of destiny players (being a bit generous) are absolutely terrible. So no.
So my 1.1 trials KD is good? Cool.
i was the first comment
I have a 2.07 kd fight me
It's so unbalanced and so many hits not registering the only way to win in crucible is to be lucky enough to not have bugs
Kd doesn't matter in destiny all that much
Well statistically speaking it IS average. Also you can't just factor out suicide/misadventure. If you kill yourself enough to significantly affect your KD it says something about your skill level.
What so suicides have to do with anything? You get two kills in one life after a suicide, then you're good.
I would say that the global KD of players currently playing is probably slightly above 1.0 due to people quitting the game.
Your kd is trash
Destiny is a game where KD isn't a good reflection of skill. I rarely lose in a gun fight. The majority of my deaths are from supers and heavy deaths. You can die 10 times in a game just from supers alone and frankly that's not your fault.
For every single kill, there is a death Commits suicide. Get Wrecked
Edited by FEAR_FROGMAN: 1/13/2016 5:23:44 AMElo is what matters, how ever if your KD is less than 0.6 then you are doing something really wrong, don't let any one tell you different. I personally like to 360 no scope explosives and jump off the map after trail matches yet last time I checked just shy of 1.6 for trials.
Yup ran into arguments like that but yet they sometimes end up last in the team
Edited by Ghostfire239: 1/13/2016 5:04:00 AMI feel special. Like I can growing wings and leave fairy dandruff everywhere I fly. Thank you for this. *Sprinkles fairy dandruff everywhere*
I think of myself as REALLY abobe average. Even though I have a 1.1 KD. - Have 150 thorn kills - More NLB kills then TLW and Thorn combined -Have under 2000 pulse rifle kills. When ever there is a meta, I go in the opposite direction, thus murdering my KD in the process.
The only thing I'm decent at is average score per game which I'm like the top 4% other wise I'm below average