You're above average, it doesn't matter what anybody says, they're not thinking about it.
Let me explain, for every single kill, there is a death, which gives a global 1.0 kdr. After that factor in suicides, that leads to a slightly negative kdr globally.
So if you have a 1.0 kdr, you're above average statistically speaking, don't let anyone tell you different.
Also, people that want to bring your kd into an argument that has nothing to do with anything are grasping at straws because they can't make a legitimate argument against something you say.
Edit: There are people saying that this is to simple, that the mean average needs to be looked at. Basically if you take every players individual kdr, and then average all of them, I would be interested in knowing that number of bungie would like to do the work to get it, but I would still think this would work out to be slightly less than 1, if someone can explain how that may not be true I would like to know
Edit: Adding this quote from Sixclicks, if this is accurate then it's still very close to 1 [quote]To add to my other reply and answer your question in your edit, the average KDR is actually 1.049424.
You can get this number from by looking at the average KDR of each subclass and the subclass distribution percentages.
So these are the numbers:
Sunbreaker: 1.06 kdr, 18.63%
Stormcaller: 1.04 kdr, 8.76%
Gunslinger: 1.09 kdr, 13.98%
Defender: 1.01 kdr, 2.14%
Striker: 1.03 kdr, 8.6%
Bladedancer: 1.11 kdr, 11.37%
Sunsinger: 1.01 kdr, 12.98%
Voidwalker: 1.05 kdr, 8.27%
Nightstalker: 1.01 kdr, 15.26%
So what you do is simply weight each kdr by subclass distribution percentage and then add it up. So you get:
(1.06 x .1863) + (1.04 x .0876) + (1.09 x .1398) + (1.01 x .0214) + (1.03 x .086) + (1.11 x .1137) + (1.01 x .1298) + (1.05 x .0827) + (1.01 x .1526) = [b]1.049423[/b][/quote]
Edit: it has been explained to me that what I'm looking at is a global kill per death ratio, as opposed to a kill death ratio per player, which in fact may be above one if you were to take each individual players actual kdr, and average them in that manner you would wind up with a completely different number. I can see how that would work, and I would be very interested in seeing the actual average kdr per player, on a global scale. However I still say anything that is positive is good, you help your team in terms of killing more than you die on a consistent basis.
i had all postivebon my real account. my highest was like 1.8 on skirmish
I definitely agree. Especially now with the way matchmaking is pairing people. If you have an atrociously high KD, or are averaging 30 kills a match and not dying its because you're not playing against people who are as good or better than you.
Well said
Sadly my titan KD is higher than my warlock, which Is what I main. Then again I was crap when I first started playing. Didn't make a titan till a few weeks before TTK came out.
I have a solid 1.0 across all 3 characters.
Can anybody see my kd because I cannot
I'm kinda proud of my 1.14 now, thanks man
Thank you for pointing that out, I have worked my ash off getting to 1.0, feels that much better
also, people that counter 'KD' insults, or any gaming insults towards them, with 'atleast i have a life' are fu*king retarded.. we all agree right..?
My all time K/D is 1.0 across all three characters, I am proud of myself because I used to suck ass! I play PVP for fun and I would never bash anyone about their K/D or gloat about mine
The only K/D I'm competing against is my own. If it goes up, I'm happy. If it goes down, I usually know why. If someone else feels better about themselves because their K/D is higher than mine, that's okay too. It has zero bearing on my life, except that when I meet them in a PvP match, they'll probably kill me more than I kill them.
Hmm seeing so many sentences with KD is making me crave some Mac and cheese
Yea several times I've had people knock my k/d (1.1)over things that have nothing to do with k/d. Really got to me. For example, someone was calling the old litc eirene a scrub gun. I said if I kill you with the lucky round it's a lucky headshot. So he goes straight for my k/d stat. And ignores my 68% precision with snipers.
The average destiny kd is I think 0.98 on PS and something like 1.12 on Xbox (not positivity about the Xbox one but the ps one is almost confirmed) so technically pretty much anything over 1.0 means you are a slightly over average player.
My global K/D is 1.63. My monthly K/D is 0.00. Because I don't play this game anymore.
I'm sitting somewhere around 1.1, which is pretty much where I was with Halo's multiplayer. And as far as people bringing your K/D ratio into forum arguments, that's been done here since Bungie started tracking stats with Halo 2. Although I haven't seen that anywhere near as often as I used to here.
I was thinking about deleting my Hunter to only play with the meta and as good as I can everytime. I don't know though. Might raise my K/D also.
Here we go with people trying to justify their KDs that are barely over 1. If you try to brag about an individual KD of 1, I will laugh at you, regardless of the Destiny Average being just above 0.8
I'd say my k/d averages around 1.2 or 1.3, maybe 1.4 across my hunter and Titan. Not counting my warlock cause I never really use it.
Haha that last sentence. Some stupid ass kid was adamant that kd meant everything. No matter how puss his other stats were, the fact that he had a k/d higher then my main account gave him the impression that he was better then me. to add to your post. combat rating works the same way as ELO. So people dissing Elo but mention combat rating are delusional.
I hate when I'm arguing about a weapon and then the person I'm arguing with goes and looks up my k/d and makes fun of it. People just don't have any other insults, all they can do is look at your k/d and say something stupid.
My titan has a K/D of 1.39. I'm proud. Warlock is 1.28, not bad but not fantastic either.
I've got around 1.2kd, which I feel is not great but also not horrible either. Considering I've never grouped up in a fire team to play crucible I feel it's pretty decent as lately all I seem to be joining is fire teams of 1kys and tlw.
This guy gets it.
If only I could erase the first 4 months of my crucible playinf