You're above average, it doesn't matter what anybody says, they're not thinking about it.
Let me explain, for every single kill, there is a death, which gives a global 1.0 kdr. After that factor in suicides, that leads to a slightly negative kdr globally.
So if you have a 1.0 kdr, you're above average statistically speaking, don't let anyone tell you different.
Also, people that want to bring your kd into an argument that has nothing to do with anything are grasping at straws because they can't make a legitimate argument against something you say.
Edit: There are people saying that this is to simple, that the mean average needs to be looked at. Basically if you take every players individual kdr, and then average all of them, I would be interested in knowing that number of bungie would like to do the work to get it, but I would still think this would work out to be slightly less than 1, if someone can explain how that may not be true I would like to know
Edit: Adding this quote from Sixclicks, if this is accurate then it's still very close to 1 [quote]To add to my other reply and answer your question in your edit, the average KDR is actually 1.049424.
You can get this number from by looking at the average KDR of each subclass and the subclass distribution percentages.
So these are the numbers:
Sunbreaker: 1.06 kdr, 18.63%
Stormcaller: 1.04 kdr, 8.76%
Gunslinger: 1.09 kdr, 13.98%
Defender: 1.01 kdr, 2.14%
Striker: 1.03 kdr, 8.6%
Bladedancer: 1.11 kdr, 11.37%
Sunsinger: 1.01 kdr, 12.98%
Voidwalker: 1.05 kdr, 8.27%
Nightstalker: 1.01 kdr, 15.26%
So what you do is simply weight each kdr by subclass distribution percentage and then add it up. So you get:
(1.06 x .1863) + (1.04 x .0876) + (1.09 x .1398) + (1.01 x .0214) + (1.03 x .086) + (1.11 x .1137) + (1.01 x .1298) + (1.05 x .0827) + (1.01 x .1526) = [b]1.049423[/b][/quote]
Edit: it has been explained to me that what I'm looking at is a global kill per death ratio, as opposed to a kill death ratio per player, which in fact may be above one if you were to take each individual players actual kdr, and average them in that manner you would wind up with a completely different number. I can see how that would work, and I would be very interested in seeing the actual average kdr per player, on a global scale. However I still say anything that is positive is good, you help your team in terms of killing more than you die on a consistent basis.
I put this in response to another post but I will put it in the main thread too. The term "average K/D" is ambiguous since there are different kinds of averages (in common parlance, average typically refers to an arithmetic mean). If you take the total number of kills and divide it by the total number of deaths that is, technically an average. But it is useless as a metric of player performance, because it does not in any way include the per-player distribution (i.e. player performance). It is a measure of the expected number of kills generated by each death. It is like trying to represent duck hunter performance by calculating the average number of dead ducks per dead duck and then saying anyone who kills more than 1 duck is above average. They are 2 different metrics (ducks/hunter vs ducks/duck). In a similar example, consider a group of people with cars. If you take the total miles driven by all of them, and divide by the total amount of gas used by all of them, you get an average MPG. If you calculate the individual MPG of each car and then the mean of those values, you get another (different) average MPG. Which one would you use to determine if one person's car was above average at fuel conservation? Not the first number, which ignores the cars entirely to determine the mileage produced by an average gallon of gas consumed. The latter number is a per-vehicle representation of fuel consumption. All kills divided by all deaths is a metric of how many kills a single death is expected to result in, but has nothing to do with player performance. The mean player K/D, on the other hand, is a metric of typical performance of an individual player. So having a 1.0 K/D does not make you average unless you are a death, rather than a player.
1.1 overall with all 3 characters still I suck in trials and have never reached the lighthouse. I played control and iron banner mostly. Top 5% with most kills in crucible.
i think its funny because the only number that should matter is KD for the last week. You could be garbage when starting but legit now after playing a while.. People share accounts with kids etc.
Edited by H3ADxCA53xNS4NE: 1/13/2016 3:24:29 PMWhen it comes to kdr , yes it's better to be positive than negative cuz every time you die they get points, really depends on what you play. In control i take a lot of deaths due to taking zones. Then you have people who won't get into the fight due to kdr, they sit back and camp with snipers and leave game when they are on a weaker team And then there is those who took a hit on kdr when they first started playing but are really good now with a neg. kdr
There are these concepts in called means and medians. Just because your kd is 1 does not mean anything. Your taking literally the most simplistic approach to make sense of a ratio. Please think ore critically!
I used to sit at a .75 way back in the day, but now I hover around a 2.
I think we all know that Lord Shaxx has the highest K/D with his damn Exotic "Misadventure" gun.
Edited by AlexJu-C: 1/13/2016 3:33:57 PMi barely have a 1.1 kd but i can do things like this...skip to 8 minutes 30. sadly we lost cause the guy lost connection.¬if_t=video_processed
1.0 and above your a good pvp player. I'm getting there I'm .95 or around there.last night I screwed up by going negative big time in rift.
Lol I got told when I played crucible that my 1.2KD was bad, and some people have the nerve to even comment negatively about your win/lose ratio, like it matters. People are idiots.
I wreck in salvage but have .90-.99 in regular crucible . I main my titan btw ..ijs im good in certain activities, everyone has a major lol
Well in trials and control im below , but in elimination i wreck ? So
If I have kd should I talk to my doctor? Is it contagious?
What is my k\d ??? Let us know please
Less then 1 = sorry PvP player 1 k/d = normal player 1.5 k/d = solid PvP player 2+ k/d = Great PvP player
First statement... not true... and you'll never realize why because you have your mind made up... I have a below 1.0 and I'm top 200 in elimination in the entire world....
My response to DarkForcesJedi:: I'm a trade/commerce analyst that works mainly with SQLs and Excel. In your original post you were taking averages (in this case ratios) and using them like whole numbers. It doesn't work out like that. What your doing is like this small example (using %s here, as they are another form of average). In Ireland, 90% of gamers play Destiny In the UK, 90% of gamers play Destiny In China, 5% of gamers play Destiny According to your method the total of players of these 3 countries that play Destiny would equal 61.6% which anyone can see is wrong.
Very good point. Sometimes I get on here and offer my opinion about something and then automatically somebody brings up you are a scrub get good whatever you guys all know what I mean. But what they don't realize is that I allow my autistic son play on my account from time to time and he's not very good but I let him play because it makes him happy.
Don't forget those deaths from random "misadventures" and "killed by the architects". Those are the worst, because you have no idea what the hell is going on.
Not really. If you have a 1.0 your just neutral. You die just as much as you kill. I guess you could help the team by distracting the enemies when they shoot you.
Edited by Mister2014_: 1/13/2016 2:50:13 PMKD is not that important, its quite easy to get a decent KD in PvP if you really want. just hide and pick your fights. But the key to PvP generally is, its a team game, try and help the team win. Unless its free for all of course. Also above all else, just enjoy yourself :)
I don't care that much about my kd. I'll try using different weapons in crucible. Much more fun to switch weapons every few games and see how it goes. Crucible isn't exactly the most balanced and lag free pvp, so part of a kd is also just down to chance.
Edited by Syicide: 1/13/2016 2:42:21 PM1.13 lmao it's easy
Lol Hurray for being average! Above average with a statistical loophole! :I
I have alot of suicides sadly😔
How do you check your overall KD in PVP? Don't know mine?