You're above average, it doesn't matter what anybody says, they're not thinking about it.
Let me explain, for every single kill, there is a death, which gives a global 1.0 kdr. After that factor in suicides, that leads to a slightly negative kdr globally.
So if you have a 1.0 kdr, you're above average statistically speaking, don't let anyone tell you different.
Also, people that want to bring your kd into an argument that has nothing to do with anything are grasping at straws because they can't make a legitimate argument against something you say.
Edit: There are people saying that this is to simple, that the mean average needs to be looked at. Basically if you take every players individual kdr, and then average all of them, I would be interested in knowing that number of bungie would like to do the work to get it, but I would still think this would work out to be slightly less than 1, if someone can explain how that may not be true I would like to know
Edit: Adding this quote from Sixclicks, if this is accurate then it's still very close to 1 [quote]To add to my other reply and answer your question in your edit, the average KDR is actually 1.049424.
You can get this number from by looking at the average KDR of each subclass and the subclass distribution percentages.
So these are the numbers:
Sunbreaker: 1.06 kdr, 18.63%
Stormcaller: 1.04 kdr, 8.76%
Gunslinger: 1.09 kdr, 13.98%
Defender: 1.01 kdr, 2.14%
Striker: 1.03 kdr, 8.6%
Bladedancer: 1.11 kdr, 11.37%
Sunsinger: 1.01 kdr, 12.98%
Voidwalker: 1.05 kdr, 8.27%
Nightstalker: 1.01 kdr, 15.26%
So what you do is simply weight each kdr by subclass distribution percentage and then add it up. So you get:
(1.06 x .1863) + (1.04 x .0876) + (1.09 x .1398) + (1.01 x .0214) + (1.03 x .086) + (1.11 x .1137) + (1.01 x .1298) + (1.05 x .0827) + (1.01 x .1526) = [b]1.049423[/b][/quote]
Edit: it has been explained to me that what I'm looking at is a global kill per death ratio, as opposed to a kill death ratio per player, which in fact may be above one if you were to take each individual players actual kdr, and average them in that manner you would wind up with a completely different number. I can see how that would work, and I would be very interested in seeing the actual average kdr per player, on a global scale. However I still say anything that is positive is good, you help your team in terms of killing more than you die on a consistent basis.
Actually, a kd of 1.0 could be considered below average, since there are ways to accidentally die, giving no kill to the other player, but there is no way to kill that wouldn't count. That, and there is no upper bound for kd, so chances are the average lands a little higher than 1.0.
who really cares? it don't mean anything. I've played with people with a 2.0 kdr and played against people with a 2.0 kdr. I have done better more rounds then the person with the 2.0 kdr and I have wrecked people with ease that had a 2.0 kdr. It comes down to a lot of bullshit with this game. Usually people with a higher kdr you can just look at them as hermits. People that have nothing better to do then play the game all day, everyday. The more games you have, even if you only have 6 kills and 5 deaths. Will effect you're kdr over a long period of time if you play all day everyday. Making you seem better then you really are. In the game of destiny, it shouldn't even matter. its a p2p dogshit connection, the weapons are unbalanced, the sub classes are un balanced so the stats are off.
I have exactly 1 kd 😆😈😥😎🙏
This Meta is ruining my K/D, bloody point blank snipers.
I certainly dont feel that way when i play too or elimination. Waaay below average
Lol!'re average. Be proud!
I try not to think too much about k/d. It takes the fun out of the game. Since I was pretty awful in the beginning of Destiny and only play Iron Banner, my all over average is not that good. But I got 1.1 during last Iron Banner week and that's ok.
K/D also doesn't factor in the non-trackable things in the team game modes like intentional suicide missions, like standing your ground at an almost-captured B even if a super may be coming or going 3 on 1 so your team can flank. I used to play kill confirmed in mw3 and my k/d was between 1.2 and 1.6 or so while my friend got as high as a 3 but we won many games not solely because of his kills but me running out in the open to get the objective. Obviously, k/d is more telling in rumble but team modes are reliant on intangibles too
Well this was my first shooter so, I started off terrible I had to climb out of a .6 lol
1.0 means you are average. Nothing special and certainly nothing bad Above 1.0 means you kill more than you die Below 1.0 mean you die more than you kill I look for people around my skill level when I am not helping in trials, but for regular PvP, no one should really care about that TBH.
What is my kd?
1.1kd im a god!
Got my first immovable object medal today, didnt even know it was in the game
I wish assists were somehow factored into your K/d ratio. I get so many assists it's crazy. Lately I've noticed snipers following me around and waiting for me to engage and damage an enemy while they hang back and finish them off. I wish i could say it was great teamwork but they're stealing my damn kills.
Edited by the phoenix362: 1/13/2016 11:41:01 AMAs far as suicide goes I don't know why but I keep getting killed by fall damage when I shouldn't be but only on widows court.
actually average kdr is above 1( not factoring suicides). if you think of the simple case of someone having a k/d 2.0 then someone else must have a k/d 0.5, hence the average k/d would be 1.25
Would it please you if I told you that your logic is deniable?
Where do you check your Kd?
1.0 is above average cuz of lots of misadventures
Every time trials comes around my team kills ourselves during the last hour to purposelly lose the match to stack coins for the next week. Screw a KD. I still make my 9/0 either way.
I have a 0.2 KD but I'm better than most of those 1.6 KD scrubs who think they are good using thorn and whatever. I hold my own just fine and can go on a 5 win streak in trials easily kappa.
Kids who obsess over their kd are losers and need to meet some actual people.
The kills to death in the game iwll always be around 1.. slightly less because of suicides. The Average K/D is not 1 though. A free for all game which has 80 kills and 80 deaths in it. Player 1 gets 10 kills 10 deaths - 1.0 K/D Player 2 gets 20 kills 10 deaths - 2.0 K/D Player 2 gets 15 kills 10 deaths 1.5 K/D Player 4 gets 15 kills 20 deaths 0.75 K/D Player 5 gets 7 kills 15 deaths 0.46 K/D Player 6 gets 13 kills 15 deaths 0.86 The average K/D in this game for example is 1.09 even though there was 80 kills 80 deaths. [b]If you have a 1.0 K/D you suck and it does not mean you are average or above.[/b] On the front page just down the bottom the average K/D of the subclasses.. [b]NONE of them are below 1.01[/b].. but according to your logic this is impossible..
Used to rock a 1.7 average until ttk dropped
Who gives a shit about k/d in such a broken and unbalanced game...
I know I have a 0.9 kd I been flawless every week I can hold my own most of the time.I'm a 320 Titan or I mean I can hit 320 But I'm a 318 Titan with my trials stuff on .but I'm looking for a team were we can run every week and that have a 1.5 kd or better im sorry for asking for to much but add me if u want to help me out death147159