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Edited by Calaway049: 1/13/2016 12:54:05 AM

So I tried the Totems cheese today...

Tried getting in a full raid before work. I had about two and a half hours, and joined a fireteam that was all 317+. Everyone in the group had a working mic, sounded adult, and acted mature. As we started the raid, there was no talk of who's doing this or are we using that strategy. Always a good sign. We get to totems with minimum effort and zero setbacks. As we get to the totems, it happens. The fireteam leader asks if we know the totems cheese. Everyone says yes, and agrees its faster and easier. I stay silent, unsure of how to react. I've heard of the cheese before, and know how to do it in concept. Before today, I had the same opinion of this cheese as I did the no-knight strat; if it gets the job done, and without too much hassle, I don't care. However, after a full hour on totems we had no success. Most of the fireteam at this point agreed we should just do the normal strategy, but the fireteam leader was adamant. He claimed if we did the normal strat, we would wipe more and take longer. Considering he was the one that died EVERY TIME, I had enough. For the first time in months, I rage quit a raid. Never again will I suffer through the totems cheese. If you insist on it, I'm just going to grab the cp and leave. The warpriest will NOT deem you worthy. Tl;Dr Kings Fall totems cheese is for noobs who can't do the easiest reward stage of the raid.

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  • i feel the cheese is actually harder. The totem guys usually run out of primary ammo and the right totem guy has no cover. I've done it before and if done correctly, it is faster since you cut down the distance of running from mid to totems.

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    4 Replies
    • Edited by Snake: 1/13/2016 6:26:14 PM
      i've been in teams that could pass totems first time. teams that take a couple of tries for totems with a couple of minor screw ups and teams that couldn't do totems after an hour of screw ups (which is when i usually leave) it should take less than an hour to get to to oryx maximum even for a bad team.

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    • The cheese does save time BUT I can't believe you didn't leave after 2 wipes at the Totems. If that is happening then there's no way you're finishing the raid with that fireteam. Next time leave earlier and don't waste your time

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    • That cheese takes longer than doing it regular lol!

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    • Bro. That cheese takes more work than actually doing the encounter correctly. The whole totems segment is super easy as well.

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      3 Replies
      • There's a Totem's cheese?

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      • I don't know the cheese and i don't care for it either.

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      • My group cheezed on left last week while we cycled normally on right because we only had five, only wiped once because a yellow knight slipped by everyone and sliced us up on right. It works when you're down a man or two and you have a competant team.

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      • Edited by Muka Gatals: 1/13/2016 6:37:34 PM
        I don't understand why people label it Cheese. It is not Cheese. It just a different way to do the raid. I am very appreciate their creativity. And would like to try those different methods. Shame for Bungie if they just forcing us to play like what they want. Socialism is never work. Creativity that make our live better and advance. EDIT1: This is only game. Game is for fun. Those players bought this game. If they happy with what they are be it. Don't call it cheese. Unless this is PVP then Bungie should patch it. EDIT2: Socialism is never work. That is only for the lazy incompetent and leeches people that always thinking some else should cover their living cost. Everyone should pay Equal tax for earned income. Happiness is not function of rich or poor. Those 1% that you are talking about paid tax more than anyone. Which one do you thing better to spend money? The one that earned it or Government?? I agree on progressive tax for unearned income.

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        5 Replies
        • From lowest to highest in difficulty in Kings fall raid Warpriest Daughters Golgoroth Totems Ship jump Getting exotic chest =^} Oryx

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        • Done Totems 3 ways , 1/Legit method. Needs communication/organisation for beginners, for experienced players its just a walk in the park no cheese needed. 2/ One bubble/aura strat. Takes too long, but is fun and uncomplicated as you stand on the center plate creating orbs for multi supers, this is just a killing spree, with not much skill - just the ability to stay alive. Cheese on toast with a cheese topping !!! 3/ Two bubble/aura strat. This is a mix of the previous two just less distance to run and minions run towards you, easy quick strat with very little communication/ organisation required. This is a cheese cracker with Limberg topping and a sprinkling of Parmezan !! I like playing cheeses sometimes, but will always want to complete a raid using legit methods. Cheeses can be useful when they speed up a run especially when the raid becomes mundane/routine.

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        • I don't really understand why people cheese. The only time I even talked about the totem cheese was because we were still waiting on a few more people to join us so we were going to do the cheese to get through. Other than that though, it's silly to use a cheese to get through the raid. It's supposed to be the most difficult thing in the game - stop trying to make it easier. Only time i "cheesed" was the bridge in CE when i was doing it solo.

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        • 317+ and the one dude insists on cheesing totems? You were smart to quit when you did.

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          • ///I run with a pro style clan of all 319s and 320s. We regularly one shot oryx and we do 3x hard raids every Tuesday. We cheese the totems because it is easy and we enjoy seeing a pile of 150 orbs on the ground after 7 minutes of unlimited supers. Surprised people kept wiping. We run every raid pull with two titans, two warlocks, and two hunters so our Titans go off to either side and keep their bubbles handy in case things get crazy (which they rarely do if middle 4 are handling their business. ) In my opinion both methods are simple. We do the cheese because it is more fun.

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            • It's supposed to be fun, at least that's what I get out of it. When you do the raid 3 times a week for weeks on end, you start trying different methods. Everybody uses the 8 and 8 strat on Oryx now, how do you think that got to be? People got bored lol

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            • There's a totem cheeses? I do it fine regular. Acouple of wipes here and there but it pretty easy

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              • Any cheese in this raid is harder than doing it normally.

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              • yeah, the totem cheese seems totally pointless - except the one guy below mentioning the pile of orbs. I will grant that, the one time I did it we had a pile of orbs - and the titans were able to transfer a good bit of them into the warpriest arena after.... ...but even all those orbs in warpriest didn't do us a lick of good. you don't use supers that much in warpriest, and the first wipe, and their gone. - pointless. the no knight strat seems to only have one useful point as well. getting lower light people through the non-challenge raid. if low-light people keep dying on the platforms, fine, we can try no-knight. but otherwise it's more chaotic, less organized, and pointless. the only thing no-knight accomplishes in the end is increase survivability for plate holders.... but if you can't hold a plate and get your ogre and knight and your 310+ light.... then you need to learn how to properly hold a plate. it's not that hard.

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              • Who the fck does a cheese at almost 320 light? Lol A random guy left our fireteam yesterday because we didn't want to do no knights at Oryx. The mere thought of having to stay on the plate, kill his knight, and go back to middle made this guy (319 light) brake down, leave party chat, and fireteam quick. We didn't even try once. He just broke down when everyone said we are killing the ogres. We were all 319-320 by the way. Loll This game has bred a bunch of cheese salads

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                3 Replies
                • I don't know the cheese strategy but why would you need to? That part is easy. People are losers.

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                • Someone tried to, very patiently, explain it to me last night. I was too drunk to clearly understand so we did it the normal way, first time. It's easy, just pay attention and stay alive.

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                • Only reason to do it is if you don't have a six man fire team. I would rather find out who is dead weight there than later on in the raid.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I feel bad for you for several reasons : You had just enough time to do whole raid but getting a bad team screwed you. I've joined teams that wanted to do some weird strat, cuz they said it was easy, only to find out that they stink at it. I love Totems, the sniping, the hot-potatoe mechanic, the teamwork.

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                    • Edited by Bob: 1/13/2016 5:03:14 PM
                      [quote]We get to totems with minimum effort and zero setbacks[/quote] I would hope you got to totem with minimum effort, Totems is the real first part of the raid also calling people noobs for doing something you failed to do is kind of weird Edit: I did the cheese for the first 2 times ever yesterday. One I was in the middle and the other I was holding the totem. holding the totem was supposed to be harder, but I found it super easy

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                      • it doesn't matter if their light level is 320 if they need to do the totem glitch the just suck.

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                        • What's fake and make you feel stupid? [quote][quote][quote][i]Show spoiler[/i][/quote][/quote][/quote]

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