also, people that counter 'KD' insults, or any gaming insults towards them, with 'atleast i have a life' are fu*king retarded.. we all agree right..?
Not necessarily. While its folly to use it as an insult due to no one having a single clue what sort of life anyone else lives, there IS a segment of the player base that, quite simply, doesn't have the same amount of time to devote to the game. A single dad who works full time while also taking care of his kids and has a 0.8 K/D has a legitimate reason. He doesn't have the same amount of time to devote to improve his game. A high school student who has a zero major responsibilities and ample time to practice and play will usually have a higher K/D simply because he does have that time.
then theres me, a freshman in AP Latin Prose, Junior English, Doubled up on Advanced Math, Play, Basketball (right now, i play golf and football), a 45 minute drive to and from school (i got to private school a ways away).
Well done. Of course there are those who excel no matter the situation
my friends are like "why don't you play on weekdays?" and im sitting here like"do i really need to explain?"
I had a similar situation. Full time job, classes in the evenings. My game time was severely limited and my game buddies were like "WTF man!" But my K/D is 0.9. I enjoy doing well but ultimately I play for fun.
[quote]I play for fun.[/quote] not many people do that... :/
you sir, have convinced me.. fair dos, bravo.. <3