You seem to have to be popular amongst all other people on these toxic forums! I'd like an opinion. If you were a vandal back when Dark Below was new, you know that for people who still have 300 damage/defense exotics, they could trade it with me to get it to 331! Well what if they brought that back? Imagine you Queenbreakers Bow at 170 damage being brought up to 280 damage!
[spoiler]Skolas: *Heavy Breathing*[/spoiler]
It would cost 3 exotic shards, and 5 Etheric light (for legendaries just the 5 Etheric light).
[spoiler]Imagine Fatebringer at 280...
Guardians: *Super Heavy Breathing*[/spoiler]
This would give Prison of Elders a purpose again besides being used to hold all your captured leaders! People would do VoG and Crota's End to get the gear back and they'd be popular again! [spoiler]Deej and Cozmo: *Spasms*[/spoiler]
I'd be able to sell exotic shards again which has been a popular demand and people were pretty mad when Bungie made all year one gear useless so if this idea happened, I'm pretty sure ALL guardians would be very very happy and start worshipping Bungie like they did in year one! Everyone wins except for Atheon, Crota, and whoever we kill in the Prison... What do you think Aerile? Your opinion would be most valid...
I would do anything to bring my Queenbreaker's up to Year 2.
It will always be my 2nd favorite Secondary weapon (I think everyone's 1st was Icebreaker)
Agreed. It was a unique and really fun weapon to use.
I was thinking 2 etheric light, 3 ascendant materials, 3 radiant materials, 1 exotic shard (exotic gear only), and 10,000 glimmer...
I think its the perfect Idea, as for my old loadout consisted of one exotic, Universal Remote. God I miss that Junker, I could pop peoples heads off from a mile away. Its a very intriguing and intelligent idea, I think you should higher the price of these old beauties although, maybe attach some legendary marks to em
Thanks for your input maybe add 50-75 marks like with the Strangers Rifle..... But I have one more question: [spoiler]Can I be helper that lets you answer questions and doesn't help that much? I'm sure there's something I could do on here...all the other posts are either complaints or irrelevant.[/spoiler]
Go on ahead, but im not like the other AMA's, privileging people and making them seem higher than others If you wanna help around, im open! Just so long as you dont spam or offend people
I'll be sure to not do anything against your word but you may see me reply often to comments on this post!
Hah, glad to have you hop on the wagon!