I'm currently at .89 K/D as a Defender. From what Bungie says, I'm right where they expect me to be, playing a support roll.
They said that but lets be honest....that was a bullshit justification they were trying to use for why the defender subclass was overwhelmingly poor in crucible plus they also wante to use KD as a reason to destroy the Sunbreaker due to all the whining on the forums look at the KD's for all of the other "support" classes
I play defender all the time and I go above 2.0 most matches. Just play with defender and get a better feel for what they do. Make their supporting attributes work for you as well. I always switch my defender shield depending on certain situations for example. Need to CAP A then use AOL. Need to provide some cover fire for your team? Then use blessing of light but make sure the bubble is not right in the open, but you can still go back to it when you run out and reuse. Then we have my favorite Weapons of light. Do you need to kill much, much faster? Then weapons of light is for us. I think it gives a 33% bonus or something crazy which make you kill people insanly quick. But make sure you keep the bubble away from the open and come back to it to refill.
Edited by Nizzy 303: 1/14/2016 9:12:59 AMWeapons of Light makes every sniper rifle a Final Round Efrideet's Spear. The old little known Dirty Bubble Bro loadout. However, that upped attack power does nothing if you equally low tier comrades can't land shots. Since I play solo, I'll throw out Blessing of Light with Illuminated on Clash, so my team has some extra lasting power. In Control, Armor of Light is the flavor with War Machine and Invective, Armamentarium and Suppression grenades. Now a days, folks don't count on Defenders running the Fun Police game. Hear a super engage? Wing that softball! The AoE is huge, and when they get their head together about what just happened, you're already on top of them. I've got my 2-piece combo down, so that Force barrier comes up quick. You will knock down so many bugs with your Purple bucket of Honey, you'll have another one ready to go in under a minute. It all falls apart on maps I don't know real well and when some jackwagon caps the third point. Thanks, dick. Then my real issue shines through....my aim is atrocious versus more seasoned FPS gamers. I'm getting better, though. I was at 0.48!
Is there somewhere where they talk about that? could you send a link? thks.
Edited by Nizzy 303: 1/14/2016 8:15:43 AMhttps://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=14083 Dare ya go!
Be a good defender and run weapons... and then any weapon just below the meta, and make mida tools and last words cry at dying faster than they can kill you.
I would run weapons, but I stick to armour of light. I'm the orb chicken on the team. I make my tar pit and welcome people with the barrel of my lord of wolves.