After being here for near 9 years (see forum acc date if it matters) and being a legendary member.
Nothing has been as bad on these forums apart from the same people necrobumping threads 6mths+ old [b]continuously[/b]. Everything else just piled up over time but you get used to it. Necrobumping stuff such as 'I took a dump AMA/I want ghorn/posts pre launch that are so irrelevant to bully are so prevalent. My mute list has so much people on it yet a lot of these idiots are the ones doing it.
I would rather see all the "I can haz recon?" Epidemic threads which were way worse than "I want ghorn!"
All you want to do is read the forums, see cool things and discuss as a community (the few that do). All there is now every other thread being necrobumped to troll and bully others because something wasn't relevant a year ago.
[b]NO[/b] account has any reason to bump a thread that hasn't been replied to or is 6mths+ old more than twice a day at most.
It is so disappointing there is less moderation and over the top rampant bullying. This is the shit and community we are growing up and teaching. Please I beg you to do something...
[quote]A lot of people are going off their nut for thinking it's another complaining thread or that necrobumping is the only issue somehow.
The funny part is you can see from the replies below how young and stupid the new generation are getting from nothing being done.
Still waiting for an insult and proper bully to come along and not go off the masses[/quote]
Is this the way to Amangiri?