Well thankfully we can also see what you like too use....which is Conspiracy Theory-D and Thorn. You know this is a huge handicap right? I mean there is a reason why everyone uses thorn because its a fire and forget weapon....fire and forget it took no skill.
I use whatever makes me happy... I wish thorn didn't have dot.. I'd still use it... it is accurate at range and fires at just the right speed... the dot is almost already worthless
I mean from what I can tell, I know what type of player you are. I mean the weapon you have the most kills with is a shotgun so you're usually sliding everywhere or blinking like a mad man. But sense you use your super alot you prob main with a warlock because your 3rd highest kill is with grenades you most likely spam the Firebolt grenades (which is also a OP) so you kinda stack that with the thorn poison damage, that is where it matters. SO saying you don't need it is hilarious because it looks like you depend on it.