originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
I bought a digital copy of the legendary bundle from the ps store on my PS3. I know that if I play the game on ps4 I will have the same characters that I've played with and the progress transferred, BUT can I download my legendary copy from the ps store to my new ps4?
Thanks DoD and sorry if this question has been asked before
Thanks guys
Expansions 1 and 2 may transfer over, but TTK and the base game will need to be purchased for the PS4: https://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-The-Taken-King-is-not-eligible-for-the-Dig/en/Help/Article/12122
TTK will not transfer to next gen
The Dark Below and House of Wolves will upgrade for free due to the digital upgrade promotion as it was only for year one content. The Taken King is the start of year two and therefore not in the Digital Upgrade Promotion and will need purchase. You can read more about it [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/help/article/12122]Here.[/url] If you bought Destiny digitally before or on January 15th by 1am Pacific Central then you will be able to download Destiny on the next gen console for free. If you bought it digitally after that date or any time by disc then you will need to purchase it for the next gen console.