[b]he vomits again, this time with his entrails in them[/b]
"I'm good now..."
"N-no..... don't die, you're my friend......"
"Am I?"
"Of course"
"Thank you...."
"T-thats why you can't die"
"Because reasons?"
"Because youre my friend, i dont want to lose you"
"God.. Why'd you have to save me John... I saw them. All of them...." [b]john remains silent[/b]
"D-do you want to die?"
"... A bit ..."
"eeeeeveryone is dead."
"My peeps are dead.. All of em, no hope In saving us now, once me and John get completely rekt by some dude or do something stupid.. Das it."
"i-i'll protect you from that dude....."
"What dude? That was hypothetical, and we gotta die at some point.." [b]he laughs[/b]
[b]She laughs too[/b] "I can be pretty dumb"
"No.. I was the guy that somehow let my baby get eaten by rats, as well as failed to stop my two closest friends suicides..."
"That's not your fault at all*
"It was. None of it could have ever happened if I was, I dunno, in possession of more intelligence than a mid-sized brick..."
"Don't blame yourself. It really isnt your fault"
"I know what I've done.. And I won't forgive myself for it... Evah."
"You didn't kill them." [b]She hugs him again[/b]
"I didn't save them"
"You coyldn't save them. If you could you would have done it."
"I could have.... And I tried... and failed"