Edited by K1msest: 1/14/2016 7:16:40 PMI've been playing on Xone for a month and I can't find the diff between xbox and ps right now, I don't know I have 2.80kdr right now maybe when i get to 3kdr it will be more competitive, I'm loving the controller it's a masterpiece. Skirmish and Salvage are competitive gamemodes, I don't know if you play a lot of PvP but there's 2 PS4 tournaments this month with money as a reward, a game is considered MLG when there's a lot of tournaments
If you guys think he's good, check out JMPDoubleX
Lmao he's a -blam!-ing casual camper who play Rift because Rift is full of casual who forget their heavy lmao trust me I know ppl who boost on rift
LOL, I think you need to have another look at his stats. 18000 kills on rift compared to 87000 kills on control. So please tell me what point you were trying to make! Control: 3.86 K/D Clash: 3.26 Rumble: 3.61 Rift: 4.76 Zone Control: 5.20 Mayhem Clash: 3.36 Mayhem Rumble: 4.76 Skirmish: 4.31 Salvage: 4.41 Doubles: 15.00 Elimination: 3.79 Iron Banner: 3.33 Trials of Osiris: 3.11
15kdr on Doubles lmao I wish I could camp like him
Edited by NordicGeneral: 1/15/2016 2:52:50 AMYour in the top 1% dude that's something to be bloody proud about, I'm only in the top 30% at the moment
Damn I want to trash you but that kd though
But your last game you pull up you got beat, and if you look at their stats then howd such a beast like you get beat?
Edited by K1msest: 1/14/2016 2:41:18 AMIt's called gf lmao 0 kills I guess, her worst game was on shores of time 1 kill 27 deaths HAHAHAHA omfg
Sounds like excuses to me We can all hide behind ficticious reasons if we wished
Lol you want me to inv you in party and you ask her? I'll send you a message in 2 sec lmao
[quote][b]Warning, pubstomper thinking he's good. Abort! Abort! Abort![/b][/quote]
HAHAHAHA my most played gamemode is Trials, I carried hundreds of ppl check it by yourself if you don't believe me lol http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-22853-41451055-1-0-1-0-se-faire-aider-au-prochain-osiris-par-un-joueur-top-1-pvp-c-est-ici.htm
I'm kidding.
I was gonna trash talk...but you are more awesome than I. Good day, sir.
All he does is hide in the back with a sniper. No valor or glory in that at all.
Edited by K1msest: 1/14/2016 2:39:15 AMMy most used weapons are. 1 Revolvers 2 Pulse Rifle 3 Shotgun 4 Sniper Lmao nice try -blam!-ing casual HAHAHAHA Your most used weapon is a Shotgun ?? HAHAHAHA wanna try a Rumble against a god with 3kdr? U play on ps4 i'll send u a message noob
I guess it's better to play with a shotgun and a sniper the 90% of the time right? Lmao gtfo -blam!-ing casual
I never said I was better than you. You would beat me in rumble for sure. But your response just shows how much of a snob you really are. Pretty sad.
HAHAHAHA bruh u just said I'm camper I'm pretty sure i can rush with my nlb lmao don't talk bullshit of people with solid stats like mine, I stopped playing Destiny because it's a sniper simulator, I'm a primary weapon user not a special ammo whore next time inform yourself
You too cool man. I'm sure my GPA is higher than yours! Haha!
Mebbe...but his stats, even for a snipey-camper, are pretty good across the board.
Eh I like my chances with a good team.
I play solo lmao I'm sure I can win a Rumble against you with knife only pff HAHAHAHA