Player 1 has a below average kd. He dies consistently and often. Every time he hears a super get popped, he dies regardless of the super because he is not skilled enough to defeat it. So, when he hears people complaining about Sunbreaker he thinks to himself, "Wtf, it is just as OP as a sunsinger in Radiance." So, he hops right in and tells everyone that it is perfectly balanced.
Now we have player 2 who knows what he is doing. He has a positive kd. He knows when to run and when to challenge. However, he quickly learns that it is nearly impossible to challenge a sunbreaker prior to its nerf. He is able to consistently shit down other supers but this one is above and beyond the rest. So, he goes and compares health levels and reasons as to why sunbreaker needs nerfed.
Which opinion is going to be more valid when you inspect the two players? The one who dies all the time no matter what he uses/faces or the one who is skilled and plays smart?
Why should you have the right to kill a Super so easily? If you died enough times for the enemy to get their Super that fast, then you deserve to get steamrolled!
Except for the fact that you get a super even if you don't kill a single person, bud.
Edited by Boomstick1911: 1/14/2016 3:40:34 PMThen instead of nerfing the shit out of the Super, why not just take away the passive charge in PvP?